
十多年前, the 卡罗尔学校 leadership began mapping out a big-ideas course for all first-year students—a course with small sections, and with the professor serving also as academic advisor for each student. 那门课就是门廊, which continues to embody the 卡罗尔学校's unique brand of management learning, inspired by 太阳城网赌平台's Jesuit approach to both professional and liberal arts education.

8月29日, every member of the 卡罗尔学校 class of 2026 begins their introduction to the interdisciplinary qualities of a management education at 太阳城网赌平台. 欲了解更多课程信息,请点击 门廊页面. 看看这个类是如何运作的 一个关于这个项目的视频. Read further about these innovations in an article that summarizes findings about 门廊 published by the 耶稣会商业教育杂志.

这里, 从卡罗尔学校新闻档案中找到的, is a story about one facet of 门廊—future leaders learning the art of self-reflection.



现在是下午4点.m. 周五在富尔顿310. 灯光很柔和, and the whispery vocals of British singer-songwriter James Bay (“Let it Go”) are playing in the background. 二十名一年级学生坐在小教室的课桌前. 有些人正在稳定地写日记. 另一些人则停下来,一只手把笔放在嘴唇或下巴上.

伊森·沙利文教授的第一学期学生 门廊 班级不参加考试. They are engaging in a version of “the Examen,” a centuries-old Jesuit meditation. 每周五上课的时候, the students jot down their thoughts about what they’re grateful for and what went right or wrong during the week. They end by setting personal goals or considering what they ought to do in the coming week.

“A lot of people would be surprised to see that this is going on in a business school,沙利文在随后的谈话中指出.

自省是门廊的标志, a required class launched seven years ago and taken by all entering students at 太阳城网赌平台’s 卡罗尔管理学院. 共有34节课,由7名教师授课, the course offers a port of entry into the world of management as seen through a broadly interdisciplinary lens. Philosophy, 道德, and the social sciences are stirred into the mix.


在十一月中旬的一个星期五, Professor Ethan Sullivan and his 门廊 class bounce back and forth between Aristotle and accounting, 经典和头条新闻. The day's topic is Aristotle's reflections on "voluntary" and "non-voluntary" actions.

Recent scholarship has turned attention to the value of personal reflection. 太阳城官网ers have highlighted the connection between leadership and self-awareness, 一些人特别提到了所谓的“两次出生”的领导人. These are managers and executives 谁 failed during their first leadership incarnation precisely because they lacked such awareness.

“The best thing leaders can do to improve their effectiveness is to become more aware of what motivates them and their decision-making,风险投资顾问 安东尼·K. Tjan写道 in 《太阳城网赌平台》 (2012年7月).

就其性质而言,门廊在很大程度上是一个反思的过程. The message is clear enough to anyone entering the 门廊 office on the 2nd floor of 富尔顿大厅. Hanging on a wall is a poster featuring the maroon-and-gold 门廊 logo and three essential questions: “How shall I live? 我们如何合作? 我们要塑造一个什么样的世界?”

松散的说话, 这门课教授商业道德, 但沙利文, 谁 is the 卡罗尔学校’s associate dean for undergraduate curriculum, 说它有更广泛的使命. “It’s really grounded in what philosophers call the good life,” the life of meaning. 所有方面——包括课堂讨论, 案例太阳城官网, 集团项目, 反映论文, course-based建议, 晚上的活动有外部演讲者,这有助于开拓这片土地. All are geared to getting students to think deeply about management and their calling to that world.



Perhaps the hardest part is reflecting on one’s own experiences, desires, and motivations.

“一开始会很尴尬, 为新生,实践教授Amy LaCombe说, 谁, 比如沙利文和门廊的其他教员, 负责她那部分课程的考试. “Examen” comes from the Latin word for examination and is one of the spiritual exercises introduced by St. 罗耀拉的依纳爵,耶稣会的创始人.

“他们不习惯思考自己做出的决定, or they think about them for a moment and then the thoughts are gone,拉科姆观察到, 注意到许多处于职业生涯中期的高管也是如此. She cites multitasking as one big obstacle to self-reflection and the focused attention that such an exercise requires.

Yet LaCombe and other 门廊 professors say that in a matter of weeks, 学生开始养成反思的习惯, 包括自我评价.



Leigh Channell ' 19同意LaCombe的评估. She says the weekly exercise has made her “aware of things that would otherwise fly under the radar” of her consciousness. 举个例子, the student from Georgia’s Sea Islands mentions that she never quite realized she had a problem with procrastination (notably with her math homework) until the theme began surfacing in her written reflections. “考试让我意识到了这一点. 我现在对自己的任务掌握得更清楚了,”她说.

就在刚刚过去的秋季学期, Channell had to miss a Friday 门廊 class to attend a special event at Episcopal High School, 她毕业的寄宿学校, 在亚历山大, 维吉尼亚州. On the flight there, she found herself doing the Examen with pen and paper. “I realized that if I hadn’t done it, I would have felt a little empty. 这已经成为我一周的一大亮点,”她解释道.


Gratitude is a key practice that 门廊 students learn through the weekly "Examen" meditations and other forms of self-reflection during the course.

门廊 students also do what is variably called a “final Examen” or “self-assessment,这是一份带回家的反思报告,总结了他们整个学期.

在其他反思和论文中, they contemplate the management concentrations or perhaps liberal arts majors they will be choosing. 他们也在思考毕业后的生活. That might take the form of a “discernment” paper composed after a group project focusing on a particular industry relating to their interests. 在那篇论文中, 学生们通常会打开这样的陈述:“在五年内, 我能在这个行业中看到自己/看不到自己.”

在秋季期末的一次面试中, Caitlin Ferris ’19 began rattling off all that the three-credit 门廊 class had tossed onto her plate—philosophy, 道德, 管理理论, 针对特定公司和产品的太阳城官网任务, 与其他学生团队合作, 培养她的自我意识.

“It’s a lot to take on for your first semester of college,” she says. “但这是一个很好的开始.”

威廉伯乐 is the director of content development at the 卡罗尔学校


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