Article Submissions

Proposals and articles are welcome for the journal of Religion and the Arts. 文章通常在5000到10000字之间,要经过审稿,并且应该为不同的读者设计.

We invite:

  1. 学者们在各自领域的宗教前沿撰写论文,
  2. 有创造力的艺术家,他们制定影响他们工作的问题,
  3. 宗教和艺术方面的专家发展他们方法的原则, 尤其是在一些细节上照亮艺术作品的地方.


Manuscripts should follow the MLA Style Manual

个人作者有责任获得所有要发表的图像的复制权. Prior to publication, 作者必须提供书面许可复制每个图像或证明公共领域. Authors are responsible for all reproduction right fees.

图片应以数字文件(TIFF或jpg格式)通过电子邮件或CD提交. 分辨率不小于300dpi,宽度不小于5 x 5 in.


How to Submit

Religion and the Arts has recently implemented Editorial Manager (EM), 一个在线提交和同行评审跟踪系统,在全球使用超过3,000 journals. 这意味着从现在开始,该杂志的所有文章都应该在线提交. You will be directed to register as an author; once you do so EM will provide you with instructions for how to format and upload your submission. 

Submit Online

For now, 我们亦会继续接受以邮寄或电邮方式寄往下列地址的意见书:

James Najarian, Editor
Religion and the Arts
Boston College, Carney Hall 446
140 Commonwealth Ave. 
Chestnut Hill, MA 02467-3806

We also accept electronic submissions to

Editorial Policy

Religion and the Arts 是一份促进话语发展的杂志来探索语言的宗教维度吗, visual and performing arts.

Religion and the Arts publishes:

  • 对艺术作品的宗教和精神方面发展新方法的诠释,
  • discussions of the role of religion in cultural studies,
  • 对特定领域学术状况的批判性概述;
  • 论宗教话语与其他学术话语的理论关系,
  • 评论、访谈、评论、辩论和最近发展的调查.

Religion and the Arts 旨在探索宗教的经验和口头表达, visual and performing arts, in the context of contemporary theory and culture. 虽然在艺术的宗教层面上存在着丰富多样的学术太阳城官网, Religion and the Arts 鼓励新的宗教批判话语的发展, in order to explore neglected dimensions of works of art, and open up new possibilities for the field.

Religion and the Arts 是一份跨学科的刊物,可以出现对新旧作品的解读吗. 我们期待对新领域的探索以及对现有学术的总结和批评.

我们寻求讨论探讨宗教见解的现代艺术作品, 寻找在艺术中谈论传统宗教体验的新方式.

我们感兴趣的是精神与日常生活的关系, politics, gender concerns, and developmental issues, as these are explored in works of art.

我们鼓励对异质性和多元化的现代探索敏感的文章, material culture and sign systems, power relationships, and issues of exploitation and unmindfulness.

我们这个时代的文学批评话语对视觉和表演艺术的批评话语产生了强大的影响, as well as on philosophy, theology, and many other fields. 我们希望以创造性和合作的方式来面对当前的话语. At the same time, Religion and the Arts 相信所有在各个艺术批判前沿工作的人都能为宗教批评的发展做出重要贡献.

Book Review Guidelines

  1. Submission请将您的评论作为附件提交给朱迪思的电子邮件
  2. Content: Describe the content of the work in brisk, summary fashion; avoid a plodding chapter-by-chapter précis or excessive detail. Above all, evaluate the work critically, judging its strengths and its shortcomings; at least "60%" of the review should be devoted to evaluation, 理想的情况是在评估中包含大部分的描述.
  3. Tone: Our policy is to maintain a courteous tone, 即使在表达不同意见或指出事实错误时.
  4. Format: Double-space all text.  Begin typing 8 double spaces from the top of the first page.  简短的提及和书评应该以所评论作品的书目标题开始, skip two double spaces, and then begin flush left with the body of the review.  多部作品的评论文章应以大写字母居中开头, 省略两个双空格,然后用大写字母标注审稿人的名字, 跳过一个双行距,在中心和下划线处标注审稿人的机构.  Following this, 跳过两个双空格,然后列出所审查的每件作品的书目标题, in alphabetical order by author’s surname, with a single double space between each entry.  Then skip two double spaces, type a centered asterisk, skip two double spaces, and begin the body of the review flush left.  (Copies will be provided upon request of brief mentions, book reviews or review essays to guide reviewers.)
  5. Heading: Please use the following two examples as guides.

    Taylor, Mark C.  After God.  Religion and Postmodernism Series, eds. Mark C. Taylor and Thomas A. Carlson.    Chicago IL and London:  University of Chicago Press, 2007.  Pp. xviii + 464 + 27 illustrations + 13 tables.  $35.00 cloth.

    Whalen-Bridge, John, and Gary Storhoff, eds.  The Emergence of Buddhist American Literature.  Foreword Maxine Hong Kingston.  Afterword Charles Johnson.  SUNY Series in Buddhism and American Culture, eds. John Whalen-Bridge and Gary Storhoff.  Albany NY:  State University of New York Press, 2009.  Pp. xi + 255.  $80.00 cloth.

  6. Citations如果你要写一篇简短的提及或书评,并直接引用书中的内容, do not give a page reference.  如果你写的是一篇评论文章,一定要在文章的括号中注明引用的页码.  还请在评论文章的末尾提供引用的作品列表, excluding the works being reviewed.
  7. Length: Our word limit is 400 words for a brief notice, 500-1400 words for a standard review of a single book, 一篇超过一本书的评论文章3000-5000字.
  8. Conclusion: For brief mentions and book reviews, at bottom left of the review, type your institution and its location; at bottom right your name.  For review essays, 如上所述,在文章开头的评论文章标题后提供您的姓名和您的机构所属关系.
  9. Deadline尽量在收到你要评论的书的六个月内提交评论. 为了作者、出版商和读者的利益,我们希望尽早发表评论. 如果你不能在合理的时间内评论一本书,请把书还给我们.
  10. Editing: Copy may be edited for length, clarity, style, or tone.
  11. Requests: We accept requests to review forthcoming books. 如果您建议书评某本书,请提供作者、书名、出版商和出版年份等资料.

We are deeply indebted to our reviewers. Thank you for your generous assistance.