


被申请人: 格雷戈里·卡尔舍尔,S.J.太阳城网赌平台






Should our laws aim to protect the religious practices and beliefs of individuals or groups, or both? 这些目的是否彼此矛盾? 是什么支撑着美国的宗教自由? On November 29 the Boisi Center hosted legal scholars 理查德·加内特 and 格雷戈里·卡尔舍尔,S.J. 在一个热闹的宗教自由论坛上讨论这些问题. 



理查德·加内特 是学院太阳城官网副院长兼法学教授, 兼任政治学教授, 在圣母大学任教. 他的学术兴趣和专长领域包括宪法, 宗教自由, 天主教教育和第一修正案. 他是数十篇学术文章和书籍章节的作者, 并定期在纸媒和广播媒体就法律事务发表评论.  他目前的新书计划, 二是:理解政教分离该书即将由剑桥大学出版社出版.  教授. 加内特 is the founding director of the Notre Dame Law School’s Program on Church, 状态, 和社会, 一个跨学科的项目,重点关注宗教机构的作用, 社区, 以及社会秩序中的权威. 他也是圣母大学教育倡议太阳城官网所的太阳城官网员, 他是美国学校选择中心的创始人之一, and a senior fellow of the Center for the Study of Law and Religion at Emory University. 在获得a和B之后.A. 杜克大学哲学博士和J.D. 毕业于耶鲁大学法学院,他曾担任美国联邦最高法院首席法官助理.S. 第八巡回上诉法院,然后是美国首席大法官.S. 最高法院,威廉·H. 伦奎斯特.


格雷戈里·卡尔舍尔,S.J., is Associate 教授essor at 太阳城网赌平台 Law School and Senior Associate Dean of Arts and Sciences. 在太阳城网赌平台工作之前, 他在洛约拉学院教政治学, 是洛约拉价值与服务中心主任的助理, 并在圣. 罗利市的拉斐尔大天使教堂. Before entering the Society of Jesus in 1992, he served as clerk for Judge Kenneth F. Ripple, US Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit, and worked as litigator at Hogan & 律师事务所.  



理查德·加内特(巴黎圣母院)和格雷戈里·卡尔舍尔,S.J. (太阳城网赌平台) discuss individual and institutional 宗教自由 from a legal perspective.


理查德·加内特 lectures on the relationship between individual and institutional 宗教自由.


格雷戈里·卡尔舍尔,S.J. 回应了理查德·加内特的观点.




Gregory Kalscheur S.J. 在讨论中回答问题.




Should our laws aim to protect the religious practices and beliefs of individuals or groups, or both? 这些目的是否彼此矛盾? 是什么支撑着美国的宗教自由? On November 29 the Boisi Center hosted legal scholars 理查德·加内特 and 格雷戈里·卡尔舍尔,S.J. 在一个热闹的宗教自由论坛上讨论这些问题. 加内特, 一位多产的学者和法律评论员, is professor of law and associate dean for faculty research at the University of Notre Dame School of Law. 他首先指出,“宗教自由是一项人权, 以人类尊严为基础, 对人类繁荣至关重要.” The special protection the 宪法 gives to religion is a recognition that 宗教自由 is “part of the very structure of a free society, 这不仅仅是一个宽容的君主做出的勉强让步.” Religious freedom protections aren’t accidents or anachronisms; they are “features, 我们的法律中没有虫子.

加内特说 that 宗教自由 is properly protected in this country by a secular government and its secular laws—not to marginalize religion but rather “to protect 宗教自由 in private, 在公共场合, 在公民社会和政治中.“还, these stout legal protections are insufficient without a robust cultural commitment to 宗教自由. 引用大主教查普特的话, 加内特 said that the 宪法 is “just another elegant scrap of paper unless people keep it alive with their convictions and lived witness,加内特今天说的话受到了威胁.

宗教自由对个人和机构同样重要, 加内特说, and institutions have inherent rights to 宗教自由 that are not merely derivative of individual rights. Indeed, individual and institutional 宗教自由s are complementary, not conflicting. 如果我们把宗教自由减少到行使宗教自由的个人身上, we overlook the institutional contexts that shape individuals in society as well as the communal aspect of religious experience.

太阳城网赌平台法学教授兼艺术副院长 & 格雷戈里·卡尔舍尔,S.J. 给出回应. Kalscheur agreed with 加内特’s account of 宗教自由 as intrinsic to both individuals and institutions, 并强烈支持最高法院最近在Hosanna Tabor的判决, which maintained the rights of religious 社区 to hire and fire (without concern for employment discrimination laws) employees who perform religious functions.

那么,教会不受政府干预的自由的界限是什么呢? 所有人类活动都有其内在的宗教维度, Kalscheur认为, citing Jesuit Michael Buckley’s claim that “There is a religious density to all things.” But this does not mean all church activity should fall outside the realm of regulation. Kalscheur proposed that while “uniquely religious” activities should be exempt from scrutiny, “when the church embodies its religious mission through temporal education and social services activities that are not uniquely religious (though they are inherently religious), they are engaged in activity that the civil authority may have the jurisdiction to regulate.” When religious activity violates public order to a degree that intervention is required, the state should still honor the privileged character of 宗教自由 by interfering in the most minimal way possible, 从而维护尊重和宽容的文化.



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霍维茨,保罗. “Universities as First Amendment 机构: Some Easy Answers and Hard Questions.” 加州大学洛杉矶分校法律评论 卷. 54. 2007.

加内特,理查德。. “Do Churches Matter: Towards an Institutional Understanding of the Religious Clauses.” 巴黎圣母院法学院 No. 08-17. 2008.

加内特,理查德。. “教会的自由.” 天主教社会思想杂志 卷. 4. 2007.

加内特,理查德。. 《宗教自由、政教分离和部长级例外》.” 西北大学法律评论研讨会 卷. 106. 2011.

加内特,理查德。. 宗教和团体权利:教会(就)像童子军吗?” St. 约翰的法律评论杂志 第22卷. 2007.

加内特,理查德。. 宗教自由、教会自治和自由的结构.” 圣母大学法律太阳城官网论文 No. 10-10

论文,雅克. 不属于凯撒的东西. (C. 斯克里布纳的儿子们,1931).

Murray, John Courtney. 我们坚持这些真理:天主教对美国主张的反思. (纯粹的  & 病房里,2005).

史密斯,史蒂文. “宗教自由,教会自由.” 圣地亚哥法律太阳城官网论文 No. 11-061. 2011年8月.


理查德·加内特 公共话语:伦理、法律和公共利益积极世俗主义与美国的宗教自由模式.