Tony Rinaldo拍摄

托马斯·D. Stegman,年代.J., an eminently respected New Testament scholar 和 beloved former dean of the 神学与事工学院 (STM) at 太阳城网赌平台, 在与胶质母细胞瘤进行了勇敢的斗争后,于4月8日去世. 他60岁.

探访时间为四月二十日(星期四)上午十时起.m.中午在 St. 栗子山依纳爵教堂下午12点15分举行葬礼弥撒.m. 通过下面的直播观看弥撒.

从2016年到2022年,Fr. Stegman led the 神学与事工学院—an internationally renowned institution for theological scholarship 和 the intellectual 和 pastoral formation of priests, 宗教, 还有普通人. He stepped down from the deanship at the end of the 2021-2022 academic year to focus on his health.

在他任职期间, STM在全球神学排名中名列前茅, 神性, 还有宗教太阳城官网, 在著名的QS全球调查中排名前十. The school also established the Spirituality Studies Program; the Committee on Race 和 Ethnicity (CORE) to advance racial justice, 多样性, equity 和 inclusion; 和 Formacíon Continua, which offers continuing education courses 和 webinars in Spanish for tens of thous和s of learners worldwide. He also helped to establish two endowed chairs at the STM: the Clifford 和 Kitz Chair in the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament 和 the Henry R. Cavalieri 访问ing Jesuit Professorship, to attract 和 retain the best faculty in the field. 

It would be difficult to overstate just how loved 和 respected Tom was in the STM community 和 how centrally he figured in its life during the many years he served as a faculty member 和 as dean...他在这里留下了巨大的遗产, but one of the greatest gifts he left us was an example of how a Christian may approach diminishment 和 death: with an abiding faith 和 trust in God 和 hope in the resurrection.
现任神学院及事工院长Michael C. 麦卡锡年代.J.

Fr. Stegman’s distinguished teaching career began at the former Weston Jesuit School of Theology in 2003. He was one of the original faculty members to teach at the STM when the school opened in 2008, 作为新约教授和奥狄留留斯教授. He also served as chair of the ecclesiastical faculty at STM prior to being named dean.

教务长兼院长大卫·奎格利赞扬了弗朗索瓦. Stegman for his leadership 和 unwavering dedication to the students, faculty, 和 工作人员 of the STM.

“Working alongside 和 learning from Tom Stegman during his six years as dean will long remain one of the great blessings of my time as provost,奎格利说.  “He was an exemplary 同事, committed to his work as teacher, administrator, 和 priest.  我和汤姆的院长们都非常钦佩他, 我们都将继续珍惜他教给我们的关于领导力的课程, 服务, 和信仰.”

托马斯·D. Stegman,年代.J.

托马斯·D. Stegman,年代.J.

A much-admired figure in Simboli Hall—which houses the school’s administrative offices 和 classrooms—Fr. Stegman在STM的同事中赢得了赞扬和感激,因为他创造了一个紧密的团队, 有爱心的, 欢迎社区.

"It would be difficult to overstate just how loved 和 respected Tom was in the STM community 和 how centrally he figured in its life during the many years he served as a faculty member 和 as dean,STM院长Michael C. 麦卡锡年代.J. “在我和汤姆的最后一次谈话中, 我告诉他,我非常感激他在离开STM时保持了如此美妙的状态. 他在这里留下了巨大的遗产, but one of the greatest gifts he left us was an example of how a Christian may approach diminishment 和 death: with an abiding faith 和 trust in God 和 hope in the resurrection. 至少对我个人来说,这是他给我最好的礼物." 

科琳·格里菲斯补充道, 他是STM精神太阳城官网的教务主任和实践教授, “Dean Stegman's love for the 神学与事工学院 和 his commitment to its flourishing were unwavering. 他的勇气和对福音的忠心见证鼓舞了STM的教职员工, 工作人员, 和学生. He led our school with integrity 和 fairness, embodying the highest of Jesuit ideals. 他的智慧和恩典是我们社区永恒的礼物.”

迈克尔·鲍顿,南卡罗来纳州.J.他是圣彼得费伯耶稣会社区的主任. 斯缇格曼在太阳城网赌平台居住期间,也给予了类似的赞扬.

“在汤姆·斯缇格曼神父丰富的人生中, 他的根基一直是成为耶稣基督的门徒,”他说。. 理查德.  “He learned this as a boy in Nebraska; it has nourished his Jesuit life 和 priestly ministry; it shaped his New Testament scholarship, writing 和 teaching; it taught him how to journey as brother, 同伴, 和 friend; it sustained him for over three-和-a-half years in his battle with brain cancer. 对于其他许多人来说, it has been a great privilege for me to come to know 和 love this good 和信仰ful friend of Jesus.”

通过汤姆一丝不苟的学术和非凡的教师能力, 他引导我们通过最具挑战性的文本, 揭示文化背景[和]文学手段和隐喻的使用, 曾经被理解和欣赏, opened the door to an encounter in freedom with the spirit of love 和信仰fulness in Scripture. 像一个美丽的圣像,汤姆反映了形象,并吸引我们进入基督的精神.
克里斯·多诺万.T.S. ’06, Th.M. ’18

Fr. Stegman’s scholarship was focused on the New Testament, with a specialty in the letters of St. 保罗. 作家兼编辑,Fr. Stegman的出版物包括 打开信德之门:遇见耶稣和祂对门徒的呼召; 为教导我们而写:罗马书的神学和属灵财富; 少传的文本:探索希伯来书、天主教书信和启示录 保罗派圣经注释; 机会不小的指导:圣经散文,以纪念丹尼尔J. 哈林顿,年代.J. 理查德·J. 克利福德,年代.J.

去年四月,神学院和事工学院举办了一场庆祝神父的活动. Stegman’s leadership, research, teaching, 和 contributions to theological education. 在这次活动中,克里斯·多诺万·M.T.S. ’06, Th.M. ’18, 在他的职业生涯中,他教过和指导过的数百名学生之一, 我回忆起被神父教导的感觉. Stegman:

“通过汤姆一丝不苟的治学和非凡的教学能力, 他引导我们通过最具挑战性的文本, 揭示文化背景[和]文学手段和隐喻的使用, 曾经被理解和欣赏, opened the door to an encounter in freedom with the spirit of love 和信仰fulness in Scripture,多诺万说。. “像一个美丽的圣像,汤姆反映了形象,并吸引我们进入基督的精神.”

Fr. 斯缇格曼说,他从未渴望成为院长, 他同意他已故朋友的观点, 同事, 和以前的老师丹尼尔·哈林顿, S.J., that they had “the best job in the world” studying, teaching, 和 writing about sacred Scripture. Fr. 然而Stegman, 他说他对这份工作的热爱远远超过了他的预期, adding that he thought there was “nothing more important than being part of a school that trains Jesuits, 那些来自其他宗教团体的人, 和平信徒一起做事工.”

Fr后. 斯缇格曼于2019年被诊断出患有胶质母细胞瘤, 他公开谈论自己的病情, 包括2021年Agape拿铁的亮相,以及一场 2022 太阳城网赌平台杂志 播客.

BCM 播客, 当被问及他是否因自己的健康而对上帝生气时, 他说:“一秒钟都没有. 我过着幸福的生活. I have received so many blessings through the Society of Jesus in terms of the education I have been given, 我从捐助者那里得到的医疗保健. 我能够以耶稣会士的身份旅行. 我有太多要感激的了. I can go back to many times where I can see God was leading me through circumstances, through people. 如果我明天必须离开,我将能够回顾一个非常丰富,充实的生活. 不,我没有生上帝的气,因为上帝待我太好了.”

His grace 和 strong faith served as sources of inspiration 和 solace for many of his friends 和 同事s.

“我愿意为我们从死里复活的盼望作忠心的见证,他在Agape Latte的演讲中说道. “我发现我们的信仰给了我很大的安慰. 我们相信死亡不是结束,而是开始. 作为一个牧师, 作为一个教授新约的人, 复活是基本的信条和信仰. 我想在我的生活中忠实地见证它,而不仅仅是我的言语.”

Fr. 斯缇格曼在内布拉斯加州的霍尔德里奇长大. 一个有天赋的高中棒球运动员, he was inducted into the Phelps County (Nebraska) Sports Hall of Fame 和 later coached junior varsity baseball at Creighton Preparatory School in Omaha. He remained an ardent sports fan his entire life, 和 particularly enjoyed following the St. 路易斯红雀队和绿湾包装工队.

他在内布拉斯加大学林肯分校学习数学, 但他在第一年就离开了,去了圣. 费城的Charles Borromeo神学院, 他在哪里获得了哲学学士学位, 优等生. 他于1985年加入耶稣会. He graduated with a master’s degree in philosophy from Marquette University, 和 both an M.Div. 和S.T.L. 威斯顿耶稣会神学院毕业的. 他在埃默里大学获得了新约太阳城官网博士学位, 在著名神学家卢克·蒂莫西·约翰逊的指导下. 他于1995年被任命为牧师.

耶稣会美国中西部省的一员. Stegman represented his province at the 2012 Procurators Congregation in Nairobi 和 at the 36th General Congregation of the Society of Jesus in Rome, 他在哪里有机会见到方济各教皇.

He was also a member of the Catholic Biblical Association 和Society of Biblical Literature, 并在马奎特大学和克莱顿大学担任客座教授.

Fr. 斯缇格曼的父母留下了他, Dennis 和 Kay Stegman; his brother Mike 和 sister-in-law Karen Stegman; his brother Mark 和 sister-in-law Mary Jo Stegman; his sister Patti 和 brother-in-law Michael Hasty; seven nephews 和 a niece; 和 his brothers in the Society of Jesus.

A院长托马斯D. Stegman,年代.J.、经济资助基金 已经建立 向Fr致敬. Stegman的遗产. 
