辛博利大厅的教室,神学和事工学院的所在地. (摄影:Gary Wayne Gilbert)

The 太阳城网赌平台 神学与事工学院 has been selected to participate in the 神学院科学计划 of the American Association for the Advancement of 科学 Dialogue on 科学, 道德, 和宗教课程, 与神学院协会合作. STM Associate Professor of Systematic Theology 多米尼克·多伊尔 will serve as lead for the project, 题目是“神学训练中的神经科学教育”,” which will encompass the integration of neuroscience into at least five master’s degree courses at the STM 和 the creation of three campus events on religion 和 science.

The 神学院科学计划 helps a diverse group of seminaries integrate science into their core curricula 和 provides support 和 resources to professors to encourage informed dialogue 和 a positive underst和ing of science among future 宗教 leaders, 最终使那些坐在教堂长凳上的人富裕起来.


神学与事工学院 Associate Professor 多米尼克·多伊尔 (Photo by Peter Julian)

“神学和科学都提出了终极意义的问题,”道尔说. “The aim of our Neuroscience Education in Theology Training project is to foster dialogue between religion 和 science at STM, thus enhancing the intellectual growth 和 ministerial effectiveness of our students.

“我们感谢美国科学促进会的科学对话, 道德, 和宗教课程 for selecting STM to participate in the 科学s for Seminaries project,他补充道.

神学训练中的神经科学教育课程, 或净, 跨一系列神学学科(圣经)的项目, 分类学, 田园保健, 道德, 和实践),并提供STM的神学硕士课程, 神学与事工文学硕士, 神学太阳城官网硕士, 和神学硕士课程. 社会, 认知, 情感神经科学太阳城官网, 理论, 这些概念会被有意地整合到课程中, 通常有120名学生, or about half of the total number of students enrolled in STM master’s degree programs.

Doyle plans to adapt his Fundamental Theology course by incorporating neuroscience as an extended test case for its examination of the relationship between theology 和 science, 因为它探讨了减少和出现的相互矛盾的论点, 以及人格的宗教潜能的进化基础.

参与NETT项目的其他STM教员, 以及他们各自的课程, 道德神学副教授Daniel J. Daly (Health Care 道德); Professor of the Practice of Theology 和 Director of Spirituality Studies Colleen M. 格里菲斯:《太阳城网赌平台》 Perspective); Associate Professor of New Testament Angela Kim Harkins (Synoptic 教牧关怀与咨询副教授Melissa M. 凯利(《太阳城官网》).

不列颠哥伦比亚省社会工作学院副教授杰西卡·黑说, a neuroscientist whose area of study is neurobiological 和 psychosocial systems that impact the lives of young people 和 their families, 尤其是那些受神经发育障碍影响的人, 将担任该项目的联合领导和校园科学专家.

She has expertise in introducing faith leaders to neurobiological principles of 宗教 development 和 addressing the needs of neurodiverse children 和 their families in 宗教 settings.

布莱克在M教书.Div./M.S.W. 双学位课程, 和 she 和 Kelly co-developed 和 co-taught Neuroscience 和 宗教: Conflict, 共存还是合作, 是BC大学一年级本科生的核心课程.

“我对参与神学院科学项目感到非常兴奋, 这将使我们把科学更明确地纳入我们的课程,STM院长Thomas D. Stegman,年代.J. “I'm grateful to Professor Doyle for his perseverance in helping to secure this funding. 与SSW的Black教授合作也很令人高兴. The interdisciplinary quality of this project is certainly in line with BC's 和 STM's strategic plans.”



NETT项目还将组织和主办三个活动:一个演讲小组, 系列讲座, 还有读书俱乐部.

The speakers’ panel will feature nationally noted experts on neuroscience 和 theology who will discuss topics such as free will, 原因, 和祈祷. Designed to be an in-person event for 200 people, the speakers’ panel will be held in fall 2022.

从2021年的深秋到2022年的春季, the NETT project will offer a 系列讲座 featuring live interviews with NETT faculty 和 guest scholars. 提议的主题包括科学和宗教如何解决姑息治疗, 心理健康和创伤, 意识, 道德发展, 以及宗教教育, 等.

The third event will be the Practice of 部 和 科学 Intersections Book Club, which will meet in person during the spring of 2022 和 online the following summer.

多伊尔补充说,他计划与 Lumen et Vita student academic journal of the STM, which organizes a popular student conference each spring. The NETT project will offer three prizes for the best presentations among the conference participants on the application of scientific knowledge to pastoral ministry.

The NETT project website 和 recorded webinars will remain accessible after the project ends in late 2022. 项目中的所有课程将继续融入科学, 和 the NETT faculty may find ways to bring science into the other STM courses they teach, 据道尔说.

“We are confident that the relationship between theologians 和 working scientists established by this project will continue well past the project end date,道尔补充道。. “And we are committed to sustaining 和 scaling the themes 和 bridges between religion 和 science that we anticipate as outcomes of this project.”

太阳城网赌平台成立于2008年 神学与事工学院 is a world-class center of theological study dedicated to the academic 和 pastoral formation of priests, 宗教, 和 lay women 和 men to serve as ministerial leaders or theological scholars in today’s Church.

The American Association for the Advancement of 科学 (美国科学促进会) is the world’s largest general scientific society 和 publisher of the 科学 期刊家族. 美国科学促进会 was founded in 1848 和 includes 261 affiliated societies 和 academies of science, 为数百万人服务. 科学 has the largest paid circulation of any peer-reviewed general science journal in the world, 估计有100万读者. 非营利组织 美国科学促进会 is open to all 和 fulfills its mission to “advance science 和 serve society” through initiatives in science policy, 国际项目, 科学教育, 公众参与, 和更多的. 以其使命为基础, 美国科学促进会建立了科学对话, 道德, 和 宗教 (DoSER) program in 1995 to facilitate communication between scientific 和 宗教 communities. For the latest information 和 news about 美国科学促进会 DoSER 和 the 科学 for Seminaries Project, visit 美国科学促进会.org/DoSER科学forSeminaries.org.

凯瑟琳·沙利文|大学传播| 2021年5月