
神学与事工学院院长托马斯. Stegman, SJ, left, 以及拉斐尔·卢西亚尼诊所的副教授 photographed in Stegman’s office. (图片来源:Lee Pellegrini)

An apostolic exhortation written by Pope 弗朗西斯 made international headlines in February, 但这并不是许多方济各支持者所期待的. 去年秋天, a proposal that would have authorized certain married men to become priests was endorsed at the closely watched Synod of Bishops on the Pan-Amazon region. 这导致人们猜测教皇会批准这项措施, 但他在他的使徒劝诫中拒绝了这一点. 这一决定对弗朗西斯的一些支持者来说是一个打击, who’d seen the proposal as a natural extension of the boundary-pushing synod out of which it grew. 这次大会的组织重点是保护亚马逊雨林, 世界上最具生态活力和濒危的地区之一, 强调经济和环境正义. The synod’s working document was the result of a two-year process that included some 300 listening sessions involving nearly 90,来自各行各业和不同文化背景的人聚集在亚马逊河流域, 一种使主教会议与众不同的协商过程.  To discuss what these developments tell us about 弗朗西斯’s priorities for the Church, 我和神学院教务处主任托马斯. Stegman, SJ, 以及拉斐尔·卢西亚尼诊所的副教授, 拉丁美洲主教理事会(CELAM)神学顾问, and the first lay to be appointed as a member of the Theological Team of the Latin American Conference of Religious Women and Men (CLAR). 卢西亚尼被邀请参加主教会议.

太阳城网赌平台杂志Many of the pope’s supporters have expressed disappointment with 弗朗西斯’s decision on viri probati,或任命已婚男子. 你对使徒的劝勉感到惊讶吗?

托马斯·D. Stegman SJ: 不,我一点也不惊讶. The exhortation certainly reiterates the need for the local church (in this case, in the Amazon) to take a lead in determining pastoral needs and how to address them. 媒体对…问题的关注 viri probati—understandable as that is—was out of proportion to what the synod as a whole was about.

拉斐尔Luciani: This entire synodal process has to be read as a move toward a recovery of a localized ecclesiology. The most important thing is the door remains open for local Churches to “discern and make the pastoral decision” according to “what the code of canon law already establishes” in relation to this issue, 根据当地主教的要求. The code provides the procedure by which bishops can discern the needs of the communities and, 基于这些需求, 询问是否有可能任命已婚男子, as well as orienting the diaconate toward the communities’ sacramental needs.

BCM: Pope 弗朗西斯 has said that the Church should become more synodal in its workings. 这是什么意思??

TS: I think what the pope is saying is that it’s not just a matter of having synods as events. It’s about synodality as a way of being the Church—bringing people together to listen. 弗朗西斯, 谁是耶稣会士, 表现出对广泛咨询的承诺, to taking very seriously the presence of the Spirit in all elements of the Church. 简而言之, 我们需要倾听, 尤其是对边缘人群, 那些不被倾听的人.

BCM: Are the decisions in the apostolic exhortation consistent with the synodal approach?

TS: A careful reading of the exhortation makes clear that engaged listening is being taken seriously.

RL: 弗朗西斯对我们的挑战不仅是 are 我们在听,但是 who 我们应该听吗? Normally the synods are made from the consultation of the bishops and that’s all. 在这张图中, 方济各包括土著人和俗人, 包括世俗女性和宗教女性. 教堂总是远离这些人, and now with 弗朗西斯 it’s moving forward by including people that were never imagined to participate in these processes. 在主教会议上, 你在餐桌上吃的, 一起工作, 土著居民, 一个主教, 一个门外汉, 门外汉, 一个牧师.

BCM: 你们都谈到了方济各教皇对倾听的重视. 这和他对教会的优先考虑有什么关系?

TS: 都是希腊文, 这是新约的语言吗, 和拉丁, “听”和“服从”这两个词之间有很强的联系.在希腊语中, akouo¯ 意思是“听到” hypakouo¯ 是“服从”.在拉丁语中, audire 意思是“听到” oboedire 是“服从”.“在主教会议的背景下, 我们说的是聆听和顺服神, 以及圣灵如何引导我们. Discernment is only possible when there’s a listening that is so profound that it’s not just hearing the words, 它在筛选它们来辨别什么是真理, 试着去聆听上帝是如何带领我们的, 让这个词在我们心中扎根,改变我们自己. There’s a humility that we’re called to—I could be surprised by who has something to teach me.

RL: 在他担任教皇的第一年, 弗朗西斯 said in an interview that Pedro Arrupe [the late Spanish Basque Jesuit and former superior general of the Society of Jesus] influenced him and his life. 在那次采访中, 他还提到了文化和“文化化”,这是Arrupe创造的一个词. 它在西班牙语中不存在. Arrupe说, “融入文化意味着进入人们的生活, 你会感到震惊,因为你必须从零开始你的生活, 重新创造你所学到的一切.教皇的另一个消息来源, the Aparecida—the concluding document of the fifth Conference of Latin American Bishops, and a guiding document for 弗朗西斯’s magisterium—includes the word “missionary-disciple,,用连字符把这两个词合二为一. 它是一个圆. 而是说, 我不是一个传教士,另一个门徒. I have to be always the missionary-disciple, disciple-missionary—listening, learning, changing. So I just love one thing that 弗朗西斯 repeats on almost every trip: “The same way we listen to God, 我们的父亲, 应该像我们倾听人民的声音一样吗, 尤其是穷人.” That’s beautiful because it’s not that we listen first to God and then we listen to the people—by listening to the people, 我们在听神的话.

There will always be tension between where the Spirit is leading us and the force of long-established traditions.

BCM: 有关已婚牧师的决定最受关注, but the issues of economic and environmental justice seem especially notable for the synod. 为什么他们对教会很重要?

TS: 重要的是要理解为什么选择亚马逊作为会议地点. The pope has named environmental degradation as the greatest crisis facing not only the Church, 但是今天世界上的每个人. He’s made the case that this issue is also tied to economic questions and justice issues. The poor are the ones who most suffer the consequences of what’s happening to the environment. 我们北美和欧洲的一些人会感到受到威胁, 因为弗朗西斯在呼吁真正的变革. 他要求我们思考我们生活方式的含义, 我们的经济是如何运作的, 它让世界其他地区的人们付出的代价. 这让一些人感到不舒服.

BCM: 当然,改变从来都不容易. To what degree does that help to explain the pope’s decisions in the apostolic exhortation?

TS: 他们之间总是会有紧张关系, 一方面,一方面, 辨别圣灵带领我们走向未来的方向, 另一方面, 承认历史悠久的传统的力量. 天主教会有强烈的认同感是有原因的, as two millennia of tradition has helped to establish and strengthen that identity. A challenge is being open to how the Spirit might be calling us in new times and circumstances, 但与我们的身份和本质是一致的. 我认为教皇方济各的劝诫反映了这种紧张关系.

BCM: Which raises the question of just how much Pope 弗朗西斯’s call to listen to all people, 来自世界各地, 真的在塑造教会的未来吗. Are these changes in approach permanent, or might the popes who follow him reverse course?

RL: 选择吗, one of the most important Jesuits and among the two or three most important theologians of the 20th century, came to the Weston School of Theology in the early 1970s and gave a lecture called the “Fundamental Interpretation of the Council.” And he said then that it was the beginning of the beginning of the move toward a world church. 弗朗西斯 does what he can do, but we’re still at the beginning of the real beginning.

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