

在过去的20年里, 丽贝卡·劳文豪普特 has dedicated her career to educating underserved communities and inspiring future generations of educators, 与学校领导一起为更大的社区服务. 作为教育领导学的副教授, Lowenhaupt is able to share her knowledge of immigrant communities with 太阳城网赌平台’s diverse student body.

问:是什么让你的职业发展轨迹演变成卡洛琳. 和彼得·S. 林奇教育与人类发展学院?

我最初的职业规划是成为一名教育领导者. 我上了太阳城官网生院,在那里我发现我喜欢从事太阳城官网工作. 太阳城官网生毕业后, 我有些问题还没有得到解答, 比如我们如何运用我们对学校领导的了解, 指令, 支持移民家庭和社区,创造适应性, 上下文敏感的实践? 所以我决定追求学术生涯. 我开始在波士顿的耶稣诞生预备学校教书, 一所服务低收太阳城网赌平台生和许多移民家庭的学校. 在那里, I became committed to and interested in how you set up schools that build on the communities and cultures that they serve by best utilizing assets at their disposal. 这种经历是非常基础的, both in terms of introducing me to a Jesuit philosophy of education as well as helping me get a handle on which aspect of justice I was particularly interested in. 最终, I honed in on how to help schools fight for racial justice and how to assist schools in becoming places of support for students who are typically marginalized by society.


一般来说,一个职业目标一直是对他人产生影响. 我是硕士班学生的指导老师, helping them both navigate the program and formulate their professional plan or plans after they earn their degrees. I am lucky in that I get to work with aspiring school principals and superintendents—young teachers trying to figure out a path and interested in or troubled by some of the justice issues in their schools, 并希望担任领导角色来解决这些问题. Our program is set up for students who have a very clear idea that they’re on a path to school leadership. 然而并不是所有的学生都渴望成为校长, 他们有领导的抱负,或者有兴趣通过影响政策来服务. Some imagine themselves as 指令al experts working like a curriculum coordinator. 有些人想写课程. Others want to start programs outside of school that serve marginalized groups or students. 虽然我们确实是一个领先的校长准备项目, we are proud to serve educators with other professional aspirations and a variety of career goals.

Q:    How would you characterize the students at the 林奇学校 and the career aspirations that brought them here?

对我来说,我们的项目是非常协作的. We have students from all over the world who are justice-oriented thinkers from every kind of educational context. 我们的学生来自各种不同的学校——城市学校, 郊区的学校, 农村, 天主教, 私人, 公共. 

Many students come to the 林奇学校 looking for a community of learners that includes students and faculty who can come together to work on issues of justice. Some are propelled by an interest that involves thinking about the structure and design of schools as they impact marginalized groups. Other students arrive at the 林奇学校 searching for partners in figuring out a path to leadership or seeking a space to reflect on their own place in the world and the contributions that they would like to make.

Q:    What aspects or teachings from the program are you most excited to share with students?

学生们能够理解与他们已有知识相关的新信息, 他们通过反思来做到这一点. 让我感到兴奋的是,我们的学生有机会参与到一个结构化的, 合作反思他们的教育经历, 当这些经历发生的时候. 在我们所有的课程中,反思都得到了明确的关注. 我们已经建立了我们的程序,为这种有目的的反思创造空间, helping students consider how the actions and efforts of the individual can impact a social justice cause. 在这样做的过程中,我们教会学生如何将批判性反思作为一种技能. This is a really powerful way to make their professional lives ones in which they’re learning and growing. 

I am lucky in that I get to work with aspiring school principals and superintendents—young teachers trying to figure out a path and interested in or troubled by some of the justice issues in their schools, 并希望担任领导角色来解决这些问题.
丽贝卡·劳文豪普特, 副教授,教育领导 & 高等教育


除了学生的主要路径, 我们支持那些可能有几年教学经验的学生, who love the enterprise of education—giving back to their community by teaching future generations—but don’t see themselves in the classroom long term. One goal of our program is to give students a space and a mechanism to reflect on what their path might be and what they hope their ultimate impact will be on the groups they educate. 

我有几个学生在思考, 我可能想深入太阳城官网大学太阳城网赌平台问题, or maybe I want to explore some ideas about education policy and how screwed up it is, 所以我想找到一种参与政策制定过程的方法. 

最重要的是, I think what unites our students is that they're aspiring to make change in the world. 他们正试图找出解决办法.


One of our anchor experiences is that students have to write up an 指令al vision. 所以即使他们不是老师, 他们有很强的, 真正理解他们认为好的教与学是什么样子的. 

We believe that students must be able to understand and interpret the law in regards to both their legal obligations as well as being able to identify where there is ‘wiggle room.这边走, 当他们遇到政策时, 我们的学生可以理解它,并适应它,以满足他们的目的. 

We also believe that students need to be data literate and understand how to make sense of a variety of forms of data they may encounter in their schools. 例如, our class on policy analysis is focused on taking a more critical approach to what data counts, 这意味着什么?, 以及如何利用它来实现他们的愿景. 对许多学校领导来说, there is an abundance of data available within their schools that can help them make important decisions, 比如考试分数, 考勤数据, 以及其他能够捕捉学生视角的信息. Other schools look at which parents attend certain events or take exit surveys of staff who leave. 最终, we want our students to be able to interpret that data through a justice-oriented lens to figure out what is and isn’t working, 对谁来说呢?.

Q:    What would you most like your students to take away from their graduate studies at the 林奇学校?

We want our students to feel like they have a shared commitment to making the world a better place, 他们知道如何获取信息来帮助他们实现目标. 在理想的情况下, our students leave the 林奇学校 feeling like they have the skills to find those resources and to make decisions that are in the service of supporting those most marginalized. 

I hope that students leave feeling like they can be agents in their own schools or educational organizations. 他们可以成为积极改变的推动者, 他们不认为结构是限制, but are able to navigate strategically through the kind of constraints that they might have. 


I hope that students leave feeling like they can be agents in their own schools or educational organizations. 他们可以成为积极改变的推动者, 他们不认为结构是限制, but are able to navigate strategically through the kind of constraints that they might have.
丽贝卡·劳文豪普特, 副教授,教育领导 & 高等教育