作为教授和学生英勇地进行教学, 学习, 这学期的参与度, 校友们也挺身而出. 一个很好的例子:埃德蒙·H. 谢伊小. 创业中心. It brings graduates who are innovating across business sectors back to campus for 频繁的网络活动最近还把会议搬到了网上. 

“The alums love it,” says the Shea Center’s Popolo Family Executive Director 杰里·道尔87年, P’15. “和 they want to give back to the school, in part by working with the students.” Not only are alumni eager to support students during a difficult time, but it has been easier to line up sought-after speakers for virtual events. “他们可能在纽约, 硅谷, 在任何地方,道尔指出——距离太远,不适合亲自拜访, 但也渴望通过Zoom与学生建立联系.

除了, some who’d signed on to mentor student startups in the Shea Center’s 10-week accelerator program this spring continued to meet with teams virtually until their 演示日 4月16日. 以下是最近两次会议的回顾. 和, an updated list of participating alumni appears at the end of this page.

Screenshot of online Zoom Call with founder of WePay 比尔Clerico '07

作者:帕特里克·L. 肯尼迪99年

在我们当前的危机时刻, 40 太阳城网赌平台 students tuned in online to hear the reassuring story of a young alum who bounced back from the 2008 financial meltdown, 获得了他从未想过的成功.

“毕业后, 我在投资银行工作, 这是一个火热的行业, 以一种好的方式,比尔Clerico 07在3月27日的虚拟聊天中说道, 由 埃德蒙·H. 谢伊小.  创业中心 在卡罗尔学校. “和 shortly thereafter, it was an industry on fire, not 以一种好的方式.”

就在那时, 在混乱和失业的时期, that Clerico and classmate Richard Aberman chose to start a company, WePay

“像这样的危机从来都不好玩, 但它们可以为初创企业创造机会,克莱里科说, 谁住在旧金山湾区. 如果有什么区别的话, 他补充说, being your own boss is preferable during a down period: “The great thing about entrepreneurship is you always have a job.”

WePay would become a leading provider of integrated payments for software platforms, 营收1亿美元. 该公司于2017年被摩根大通(JPMorgan Chase)收购. Clerico, as CEO, now oversees 300 employees around the globe.

The event was part of the Shea Center's now-virtual Lunch with an Entrepreneur series. 杰里·道尔87年, 该中心的波波洛家庭执行主任, co-hosted the Zoom meeting along with Jack McClelland ’22 and other members of Start@Shea, 该中心的学生管理团队. McClelland and colleagues collected and relayed a steady stream of questions from their peers—which began about 15 minutes into the program and kept flowing for an hour. (The audio for most attendees was muted, but students submitted questions via Zoom’s chat feature.)

In his opening remarks and in his responses to questions from the student participants, Clerico recounted the ups and downs of his journey with WePay. The company began as a way for friends to split the costs of ski trips before evolving to fill a need for small businesses (a simplified process for collecting payments online).


林赛·洛布 '96 on a Zoom chat with the Shea 创业中心

“混乱和变化确实创造了巨大的机会,” said 林赛·洛布,96届 to nearly 50 attendees of the Shea Center’s now-virtual Lunch with an Entrepreneur on April 1. 洛布, advisory director at Goldman Sachs and founder of 美元的实验室, was a week away from putting significant capital into a new venture when markets collapsed last month. Hardly deterred, 洛布 says companies should take control amidst the chaos and adapt accordingly. 例如, 她的第一次创业, 美元的实验室, 使用互动媒体教孩子金融知识. As social distancing pushes schools to embrace online 学习, 洛布 predicts that the red tape she faced trying to bring those tools into schools will disappear. “我们不会回到过去的样子. 我们有机会利用这一点.”

一路走来, 这些年轻的企业家承担的风险往往是有回报的, like when they disrupted a PayPal conference in San Francisco with a 600磅重的冰块 encasing cold hard cash and the message “PayPal freezes your accounts.”

“We got more publicity out of that conference than PayPal did,” Clerico recalled. “You can do that when you’re a small company with nothing to lose.”

这可能是我一直以来最喜欢的创业故事,道尔笑着说, himself a successful serial entrepreneur who continues to advise startups, 首席执行官们, 高级管理团队.

Among other tips dispensed by Clerico: Try different things to gain a wide range of experience. 对于Clerico, that included different majors (settling on computer science in the Morrissey College of Arts and Sciences). 课外活动, 他自愿为美国红十字会工作, 这让他第一次尝到了领导的滋味. 他还共同创立了现在的谢伊中心 Strakosch风险投资大赛.

和, 现在可以揭晓了, 克莱里科扮演鹰鲍德温, 太阳城网赌平台的体育吉祥物. 通过那段经历, 他遇到了太阳城网赌平台的董事彼得·贝尔, a highly respected investor who would become critical to WePay’s early efforts to raise funds.

克莱里科还建议学生, in his responses to questions from Jenny Chu ’21 and Fergal Flood, MBA 20, “追随你的激情,灵活应变。.“你开始的业务可能会像WePay那样发展, Clerico说, but your chances of success are higher “if you’re generally pointed in a direction you’re deeply passionate about—something you can get excited about devoting the next decade of your life to.”

Clerico’s was the first of a slew of upcoming Shea Center events online, including video chats with 林赛·洛布,96届, founder of 美元的实验室 and advisory director at Goldman Sachs, and 毕扬—— ' 91他是Spark Capital的联合创始人.

帕特里克·L. Kennedy, Morrissey College ’99, is a contributing writer at the 卡罗尔管理学院.


校友 who’ve engaged remotely in events 由 Shea Center include: 比尔Clerico 2007年,WePay创始人兼首席执行官; 林赛·洛布 ’96, Advisory Director at Goldman Sachs and Founder of 美元的实验室; 毕扬—— 1991年,2011年,星火资本(Spark Capital)联合创始人兼普通合伙人; 彼得·贝尔”86岁,20岁,Amity Ventures普通合伙人; 约翰尼·艾尔斯 ’08, M.S. ’09, Co-Founder and Senior Vice President at Socure; and 特雷弗·斯图尔特 2009年,Split Software联合创始人. Four others recently judged the Shea Center’s Strakosch风险投资大赛: 格雷格Strakosch ’84, P ’14, ’16, and ’17, Co-Founder and Executive Chairman of TechTarget; 乔Popolo 1989年,P ' 20,查尔斯的首席执行官 & 波拖马可河资本; 约翰·墨菲07, M.S. ’09, Co-Founder and Managing Partner of Hyperplane Venture Capital; and 弗朗西斯Schwiep 2011年,Two Sigma Ventures的负责人.

校友, of course, aren't the only presenters at these Zoom events. Among others: Niraj Shah, CEO and co-founder of Wayfair, who spoke with students on April 17.

标题照片通过Nhat V. Meyer / Nhat V. 梅耶/论坛报新闻社