Fall Colloquium: Envisioning Democratic Futures

October 10, 2024 | 4:30 - 7:30 pm | Yawkey Center Murray Function room | Please Register to Attend | Hybrid Event

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Envisioning Democratic Futures

柏林墙倒塌后,民主似乎注定要无情地传遍世界. One generation later, many scholars see democracy as endangered or in urgent need of reform. 而新的挑战——从气候变化到人工智能的兴起——有可能从根本上扰乱全球社会, 民主政治制度也受到来自内部问题的越来越大的压力, not least resurgent populism, pervasive misinformation, and a growing disenchantment with democratic institutions. But if democracy’s future is riddled with obstacles, it also promises new possibilities. 例如,明天的技术能否解决今天的技术所造成的一些问题? 气候危机会促使政治经济向更民主、更可持续的形式转变吗? 当今挑战的全球规模是否会刺激更多的公民参与或加强民主国家之间的合作?

To engage these questions from a variety of angles, 克拉夫中心将2024-25学年的主题定为“展望民主未来”.“我们在10月10日的秋季研讨会上开始了为期一年的主题探索, which features an exceptional set of speakers. The colloquium will open with a keynote address by Hélène Landemore (Yale), 她是一位政治理论家,以她对更激进的参与和协商民主的大胆设想而闻名, and the potential of new technologies to create it. It will continue with a panel discussion featuring leading scholars Theda Skocpol (Harvard), Daniel Ziblatt (Harvard), and Justin Vaïsse (Paris Peace Forum), on the present state and future prospects for democracy in the U.S. and around the world. Finally, the colloquium will close with a keynote presentation by the eminent journalist John King, CNN’s Chief National Correspondent, on the stakes and possible outcomes of the 2024 elections in the U.S.

Please join us for the Clough Center’s major event of the fall, and a worthwhile kickoff to our annual theme.


Daniel Ziblatt

Daniel Ziblatt

Daniel Ziblatt 是哈佛大学伊顿政府学教授同时也是哈佛大学明达德冈兹堡欧洲太阳城官网中心主任. Prof. Ziblatt leads a research group based in Germany at the WZB Berlin Social Science Center.  His research focuses on Europe and the comparative study of democracy. He is the author of four books, including How Democracies Die (2018), co-authored with Steven Levitsky, a New York Times 《太阳城网赌平台》杂志称其为“特朗普时代最重要的书”.” The book has been translated into thirty languages. In 2023, he published Tyranny of the Minority (也是与Steven Levitsky合作),从比较的角度分析了美国民主 New York Times bestseller. Prior to this, Prof. Ziblatt was the author of the prize-winning book Conservative Parties and the Birth of Democracy (Cambridge University Press, 2017), a history of democracy in Europe, in addition to a book on European state-building entitled Structuring the State (Princeton University Press, 2006).  In 2023, he was elected a member of the American Academy for Arts and Sciences.

Hélène Landemore

Hélène Landemore

Hélène Landemore 是耶鲁大学专攻政治理论的政治学教授. Her research and teaching interests include, among other things, democratic theory, political epistemology, and the ethics and politics of artificial intelligence. Her recent work, Open Democracy (Princeton University Press, 2020), 发展了一种新的民主范式,在这种范式中,权力的行使尽可能少地受到限制,并探索了一种新版本的人民统治,在这种统治中,权力对所有人平等开放. In 2021, with Jason Brennan, she also published Debating Democracy: Do We Need More or Less?, a comprehensive assessment of democracy’s present and possible futures around the world. Prof. Landemore is a fellow at the Ethics in AI Institute at the University of Oxford, and an advisor to the Democratic Inputs to AI program at OpenAI. 她曾在最近一次法国公民大会的治理委员会任职,目前正在通过AI2050计划开展由施密特期货公司支持的工作.

John King

John King

John King CNN屡获殊荣的首席全国记者是该网络对美国政府和政治报道不可或缺的一部分吗. King joined CNN in May 1997 after 12 years at The Associated Press, the last six as its chief political correspondent. At CNN, King previously served as the anchor of CNN’s Inside Politics, a program featuring the top political stories sourced by the best reporters. Other CNN duties included 10 years covering the White House, serving as CNN’s senior White House correspondent from 1999 to 2006.

 For the 2024 presidential cycle, King will lead a new voter and battleground state project, “All Over the Map,” designed to cover the campaign through the eyes of everyday Americans. King will also play a prominent role in CNN’s coverage of major events, including debates, primary and caucus nights, the nominating conventions and Election Night.

金是波士顿人,在罗德岛大学获得新闻学学士学位. He has also been awarded honorary doctorate degrees from URI, American University and Hobart and William Smith Colleges.

Theda Skocpol

Theda Skocpol

Theda Skocpol is the Victor S. Thomas Professor of Government and Sociology at Harvard University. Her research focuses on U.S. social policy and civic engagement in American democracy, including changes since the 1960s. Prof. Skocpol has recently launched new projects on the development of U.S. higher education and on the transformations of U.S. federal policies in the Obama era. Her work covers an unusually broad spectrum of topics including both comparative politics (States and Social Revolutions, 1979) and American politics (保护士兵和母亲:美国社会政策的政治起源, 1992). 她的著作和文章在政治学文献中被广泛引用,并获得了无数奖项, 包括1993年美国政治科学协会颁发的伍德罗·威尔逊奖的最佳政治学书籍. At Harvard, 她曾担任艺术与科学太阳城官网生院院长(2005-2007)和美国政治太阳城官网中心主任(2000-2006)。. In 2007, 斯科波尔因其“对国家对革命的意义的富有远见的分析”而被授予约翰·斯基特政治学奖, welfare, and political trust, pursued with theoretical depth and empirical evidence.”

Angela Ards

Angela Ards

Teaches African American and contemporary American literature, with special interests in cultural studies, literary journalism, and narratives of place. She is the author of Words of Witness: Black Women’s Autobiography in the Post-Brown Era, 她目前的书项目使用口述历史来记录那些绕过大迁徙留在南方的美国黑人的生活. 她是拉德克利夫高等太阳城官网院和哈钦斯非洲和非裔美国人太阳城官网中心的奖学金获得者.

Gerald M. Easter

Gerald Easter

Gerald Easter teaches courses in Comparative Politics, with a regional focus on Russia and Eastern Europe. His research interests include the modern state, post-communist transitions, comparative political economy. 目前的太阳城官网项目集中在警务和前现代政治的比较政治学.   

他是以下书籍的作者:重建国家:苏联俄罗斯的个人网络和精英身份(剑桥大学出版社), 2000), Shaping the Economic Space of Russia (ed., Ashgate, 2000), Capital, Coercion, and Post-Communist States (Cornell University Press, 2012), The Tsarina's Lost Treasure (Pegasus, 2020), and Last Stand of the Raven Clan: When Russia Went to War in America (Pegasus, forthcoming).

He joined the Political Science faculty at Boston College in 2000. He also taught at Georgetown University, Miami University (Ohio), European University in Saint Petersburg, Venice International University, and University of Rome at Tor Vergata. He is currently the Department Chair. 

Kay L. Schlozman

Kay Lehman Schlozman

Kay Lehman Schlozman serves as J. Joseph Moakley Endowed Professor of Political Science. She received a B.A. from Wellesley College and an M.A. and Ph.D. from the University of Chicago. 2004年美国政治科学协会的罗曼和利特菲尔德政治科学创新教学奖得主, she teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in American politics.

She is co-author of 不平等和无代表:新镀金时代的政治不平等和人民的声音 (with Henry Brady and Sidney Verba); 非天堂的合唱:不平等的政治声音和美国民主的破碎的承诺 (with Sidney Verba and Henry Brady), 获得了美国出版商协会颁发给学术书籍的两项散文奖(政府与政治奖和卓越社会科学奖); The Private Roots of Public Action: Gender, Equality, and Political Participation (with Nancy Burns and Sidney Verba), which was co-winner of the APSA’s Schuck Prize; Voice and Equality: Civic Voluntarism in American Politics (with Sidney Verba and Henry E. Brady), 这本书获得了APSA的菲利普·匡威奖和美国公众舆论太阳城官网协会图书奖; Organized Interests and American Democracy (with John T. Tierney); and Injury to Insult: Unemployment, Class and Political Response (with Sidney Verba). 她在专业期刊上发表了大量文章,是《太阳城官网》的编辑和《太阳城官网》的联合编辑 The Future of Political Science (with Gary King and Norman H. Nie).

Among her professional activities, 她曾担任美国政治科学协会(American Political Science Association)的秘书,以及该协会选举组织的主席, Public Opinion and Voting Behavior. She is the winner of the APSA’s 2006 Frank Goodnow Award for Distinguished Service to the Profession of Political Science; the 2016 Samuel Eldersveld Career Achievement Award; and the American Political Science Association’s 2018 Warren E. Miller Lifetime Achievement Award, 哪个奖项是为了表彰在选举领域具有杰出的学术成就和为专业服务的人, public opinion, and voting behavior. She is a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.

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Parking is available at the nearby Beacon Street and Commonwealth Avenue Garages.

Boston College is also accessible via public transportation (MBTA B Line - Boston College).

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