马蒂·沃尔什在康特论坛报道, where he was sworn in as mayor of Boston during an inauguration ceremony on January 6, 2014.  

太阳城网赌平台校友马丁. 沃尔什, who has served as the 54th mayor of the City of Boston since 2014, was confirmed by the U.S. Senate as 劳工部长 under President Joseph R. 拜登在3月22日的两党投票中获胜.

毕业于 伍兹高等教育学院, 沃尔什 was the first undergraduate alumnus of 太阳城网赌平台 to serve as Boston's mayor, 和 is the third University graduate to serve in the U.S. Cabinet in recent years: BC Law School alumnus John F. 克里J.D. '76 was secretary of state during the Obama administration, 欧内斯特·莫尼兹66年, a graduate of the Morrissey College of Arts 和 Sciences, 曾任能源部长. Kerry now holds a newly-created cabinet-level position as special presidential envoy for climate under Biden.

在他的新角色中, 沃尔什 will head the department entrusted with promoting the welfare of the nation's wage earners, 求职者, 和退休人员, a charge that encompasses improving working conditions, 促进有效益的就业机会, 确保与工作相关的福利和权利, 和 administering federal regulations that affect everything from minimum wage 和 overtime pay to workplace safety. He will have leadership responsibility for both policy 和 operations 和 will oversee some 900 employees in the department's national headquarters 和 six regional offices.

A lifelong champion of working people 和 the first union member to serve as labor secretary in nearly half a century, 沃尔什 has "worked tirelessly to rebuild the middle class, 创造一个更具包容性的, 有弹性的经济, 为他家乡的工人而战," including advocating for a $15 minimum wage 和 paid 家庭 leave, according to the nomination announcement from the Biden team.

“‘劳动’这个词对我来说意味着一切,沃尔什在接受提名时说, adding that he looks forward to working with the president to "deliver good jobs with dignity, 安全, 繁荣, 以及所有美国家庭的目标."

我相信每个人, 包括退伍军人, ”美国人, 移民, 和 people with disabilities must have full access to economic opportunities 和 fair treatment in the workplace.
马丁J. 沃尔什

在他的任命听证会上.S. 参议院卫生委员会, 教育, 劳动, 以及养老金, 沃尔什 said he shared the commitment of President Biden 和 Vice President Kamala Harris to the health 和 safety of working people, 特别是在冠状病毒大流行期间, 和 cited his record of support for policies promoting worker protection, 平等获得好工作的机会, 继续教育和职业培训.

“数以百万计的美国家庭现在需要它们,沃尔什说。, who prior to becoming mayor served as a leader in organized labor 和 a state representative. "I’ve spent my entire career at different levels, fighting for them."

在他的职业生涯中, 他说, he also sought to advance economic development 和 promote policies to close gender wage gaps 和 increase racial equity. “我相信每个人, 包括退伍军人, ”美国人, 移民, 和 people with disabilities must have full access to economic opportunities 和 fair treatment in the workplace,他说.

"Secretary 沃尔什 embodies the passion 和 determination that are central to the mission of Woods College,院长凯伦·蒙卡斯特说. "We are proud to have such a distinguished public servant among our graduates, 和 one who so exemplifies the ideals of BC's Jesuit mission of service to others.

"The fact that he has faced challenges during his journey really resonates with our students,她说. "His story is inspiring for other working adults who want to advance their education, 他们的生活, 以及他人的生命."

爱尔兰移民的儿子, 沃尔什是多切斯特的终身居民, 波士顿最大的社区. 对生活中的困难并不陌生, 他从小就与癌症作斗争, 和 speaks openly about his recovery from alcoholism as a young adult. Overcoming these challenges himself gave rise to a strong desire to help others, 和 led to his advocacy for the homeless 和 those struggling with substance abuse, 和, 特别是, 获得教育的机会, 他称赞这是通往机会的大门.


马蒂·沃尔什 in his office at Boston City Hall in 2018. (约翰·沃尔什)

沃尔什, who earned his bachelor's degree in political science from the Woods College at age 42, attributes the fulfillment of his dream of becoming a college graduate not only to personal tenacity but also to the encouragement of 家庭, 朋友, 的同事们, 以及支持性的教师和管理人员. Though he calls the Woods College "an amazing place to learn,“他自由地拥有通往他学位的道路, which he pursued while working full time as a legislator in the Massachusetts House of Representatives, 这并不容易.

He shared his experience with graduating students of the Woods College when he received the school's Distinguished 校友 Award at a ceremony in 2014.

“我知道今晚来到这里对你来说有多难,他告诉他们, acknowledging the challenge of balancing classes 和 coursework with work, 家庭, 以及其他职责, 和 recalling how he would at times arrive at campus 和 sit in his car weighing whether or not to go to class, thinking of other commitments vying for his attention. “有时候,学校并不是我的首要任务."

But when he passed Conte Forum while walking to class, 他说, he never imagined he'd one day return to the venue for his inauguration ceremony⁠—or that his 太阳城网赌平台 diploma would then hang in the mayor's office at Boston City Hall.

"It takes perseverance to get to where you are,他说. “你们已经改变了自己的生活, 现在你们可以改变家人的生活了, 你的社区, 你的社会. 追逐梦想永远不会太迟."

沃尔什在一封电子邮件中回应了这一主题 波士顿环球报 专栏, published following his confirmation as secretary of labor, in which he bid farewell to Boston 和 offered his thanks 和 encouragement to its people. "This is my call to all Bostonians to consider how you will get involved in your community,他写道. "Just as important, think about how you will encourage 和 empower others to get involved too. 你可以有所作为,所以不要犹豫...The challenges before us at a national level are enormous. But Boston has taught me that nothing is impossible if we work together 和 open the door for more people to get involved.


Patricia Delaney | University Communications | March 2021