2019 honorary degree recipients with University President William P. Leahy, SJ

L-R standing: Thomas D. O'Malley, Boston College President William P. Leahy, S.J., Dan Bunch. Seated: Isabel Capeloa Gil, Robert D. Farrell, S.J., Marilynne Summers Robinson (Photo by Gary Wayne Gilbert)

At its 143rd Commencement Exercises on May 20, Boston College presented honorary degrees to Isabel Capeloa Gil, 她是天主教大学国际联合会的第一位女主席, who also addressed the Class of 2019; retired Boston College administrator Dan Bunch ’79, BCSSW ’81; former assistant dean and professor Reverend Robert D. Farrell, S.J., MA ’58, STM ’65; benefactor and former Boston College Trustee Thomas D. O’Malley P ’87, P ’89, P ’00; and Pulitzer Prize-winning author Marilynne Robinson.

Read about the honorees here; their degree citations are below.


伊莎贝尔·卡佩罗亚·吉尔(Isabel Capeloa Gil)去年创造了历史,成为首位当选天主教大学国际联合会主席的女性, the world’s leading organization of Catholic higher education institutions. 当选后,她承诺“让少数人的力量成为多数人的力量”.”

As IFCU president, 她支持在成员学校之间促进太阳城官网和学术交流的努力, 提升天主教高等教育在全球的形象和影响力.

她的职业生涯标志着她坚信,全球参与高等教育对于创造一个更公正的社会至关重要. She has held numerous visiting professorships and fellowships, including in China—where she spent her childhood—as well as Germany, Brazil, Italy, and the United States.

葡萄牙天主教大学人文科学学院院长兼文化太阳城官网教授, she studies issues concerning diversity and conflict, 她的太阳城官网——用她能流利说的五种语言出版——探索了文学之间的界限, the arts, and other disciplines. Last fall, 她加入了一个由梵蒂冈邀请的天主教教育领袖组成的国际组织,发起了天主教太阳城官网型大学战略联盟, of which Boston College is a member.

For her service to research, teaching, and the Catholic intellectual culture, 太阳城网赌平台授予伊莎贝尔·卡佩罗亚·吉尔人文文学博士学位, honoris causa.


For more than 35 years, 丹·邦奇(Dan Bunch)确保太阳城网赌平台(Boston College)在毕业之路上遇到障碍的学生得到成功所需的支持. A native of Hayneville, Alabama, he first came to Boston College as a student in the Black Talent Program, earning both his bachelor’s and master’s degrees at the Heights.  In 1982, he began working at Learning to Learn, 教BC学生在课堂和生活中茁壮成长所必需的学习技巧和解决问题的技巧.  在他担任项目主管的30年里,学会学习获得了美国大学的荣誉.S. 并在全国100多所大学进行了复制.

Later, as special assistant to the vice president for student affairs, 他有效地在学生中培养了更深层次的社区意识, faculty, and staff.

A true University citizen, he served on the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Scholarship Committee, the Black Faculty, Staff, and Administrators Association, and the AHANA Alumni Council. 他获得了2015年太阳城网赌平台社区服务奖,以表彰他在马萨诸塞大道浸信会教堂的志愿工作, and the Concerned Black Men of Massachusetts, a nonprofit mentoring organization he co-founded. The AHANA Alumni group presented him with the inaugural Keith A. Francis Inspiration Award in 2016.

In recognition of his role as a mentor, advocate, and friend to generations of BC students, Boston College confers on Dan Bunch the degree of Doctor of Social Sciences, honoris causa.


Influenced in college by a talk given by a Jesuit priest, Rev. Robert D. Farrell, S.J., entered the New England Province of the Society of Jesus in 1951. After earning his bachelor’s and master’s degrees from Boston College, he was assigned to teach at Baghdad College in Iraq in 1958.

While there, 他越来越欣赏基督教和伊斯兰教之间的交集, the faiths represented by the school’s student body. After returning to America, 他在Shadowbrook教年轻的耶稣会士,在Lenox的Cranwell学校教高中生英语, Mass.她曾在缅因州波特兰的切弗鲁斯高中(Cheverus High School)担任英语系主任., for 15 years.

他于1990年加入母校,在高等教育学院教授写作, now known as the Woods College. Ever attentive to his students, he preferred to correct papers in plain pencil, which he viewed as a gentler form of criticism than red ink. 在不列颠哥伦比亚省工作28年后,他于2018年退休.

他的关怀,鼓舞人心的教学引导学生,校友和朋友建立Rev. Robert D. Farrell, S.J. 于2003年成立奖学金基金,资助就读伍兹学院的本地非全日制学生.

一生的服务和事工,为成千上万的学生介绍了文学和高质量的写作艺术, Boston College awards Rev. Robert D. Farrell, S.J., the degree of Doctor of Humane Letters, honoris causa.


Thomas D. 奥马利在纽约斯塔顿岛的一个工薪阶层社区长大, 并成长为一名成功的华尔街高管和美国最有成就的企业家之一.

He paid his Manhattan College tuition by driving a taxi and a school bus, and working in the school’s cafeteria. In gratitude for his education, 他在母校担任了15年的受托人,7年的董事会主席, 他和他的妻子玛丽·爱丽丝被认为是天主教学院历史上最慷慨的捐赠者.  

他于1964年在纽约市开始了他的商品交易职业生涯, 后来成为了投资银行公司所罗门兄弟的副董事长. 之后,他在独立能源部门担任了32年的高级管理人员, before retiring in 2016.

作为三个太阳城网赌平台毕业生的父母,他担任了14年的BC受托人和受托人助理.  In 2015, 奥马利家族基金会成立了奥马利家族田径捐赠奖学金基金,以支持BC省的学生运动员.

奥马利夫妇的慈善事业也延伸到了康涅狄格州的当地社区, including support for Greenwich Hospital, 以及斯坦福德三一天主教高中为警官子女提供的奖学金, firefighters and nurses.

表彰他的商业领导和对天主教教育和社区组织的贡献, Boston College awards Thomas D. O'Malley the degree of Doctor of Business Administration, honoris causa.



For “her grace and intelligence in writing,” American novelist and essayist Marilynne Summers Robinson was awarded a National Humanities Medal by President Barack Obama in 2012. 这是授予这位著名作家的众多荣誉之一,他的小说包括 Housekeeping, a 1982 Pulitzer Prize finalist; Lila, a finalist for the National Book Award; and Home她也是美国国家图书奖的决赛选手,并获得了女性小说奖.

Her novel Gilead, part of an acclaimed trilogy set in a fictional Iowa town, 获得2005年普利策小说奖和美国国家图书评论界奖. 她的散文还为她赢得了2016年美国国会图书馆小说奖. The same year, Time magazine named her to its list of 100 most influential people, 并在2018年将她描述为美国文学界最重要的人物之一.

Her essay collections demonstrate wide intellectual range, addressing such subjects as the relationship between religion and science, nuclear pollution, sixteenth-century theologian John Calvin, and contemporary American politics. 除了吸引观众和评论家,她还与有抱负的作家分享她的才华. Now professor emerita 在爱荷华大学(University of Iowa),她在该校的作家工作坊里教了25年书.

For her creativity, inspiration, and commitment to literature and the humanities, 太阳城网赌平台授予玛丽莲·萨默斯·罗宾逊人文文学博士学位, honoris causa.

University Communications | May 20, 2019