
特蕾莎年代. 贝当古




特蕾莎年代. 贝当古, 镜头分割, MA, 是太阳城网赌平台社会工作学院全球实践的塞勒姆教授和 儿童与逆境太阳城官网项目 (RPCA). Her central research interests include the developmental and psychosocial consequences of concentrated adversity on children, youth and families; resilience and protective processes in child and adolescent mental health and child development; refugee families; and applied cross-cultural mental health research. She is Principal Investigator of an intergenerational study of war/prospective longitudinal study of war-affected youth in Sierra Leone (LSWAY). This research led to the development of a group mental health intervention for war-affected youth that demonstrated effectiveness for improving emotion regulation, 受战争影响青年的日常功能和学校功能. 这种干预, 青年准备干预(YRI), is now at the core of a scale-up study within youth employment programs now underway in collaboration with the World Bank and Government of Sierra Leone as a part of the NIMH-funded 心理健康 Services and 实现科学 太阳城官网 Hub called Youth FORWARD

贝当古 has also developed and evaluated the impact of a Family Strengthening Intervention for HIV-affected children and families and is leading the investigation of a home-visiting early childhood development (ECD) intervention to promote enriched parent-child relationships and prevent 暴力. 这种干预, 叫做Sugira Muryango(巩固家庭), has a focus on father engagement and 暴力 reduction and can be integrated within poverty reduction/social protection initiatives in low-resource settings. 得到乐高基金会的支持, RPCA将对PLAY协作进行实施太阳城官网, a multi-level strategy to scale out the intervention to all families ranked as living in extreme poverty across three Districts in Rwanda in the years ahead. 在国内, she is engaged in community-based participatory research on family-based prevention of emotional and behavioral problems in refugee children and adolescents resettled in the U.S. She has written extensively on mental health and resilience in children facing adversity including recent articles in Child Development, 美国儿童与青少年精神病学学会杂志, 儿童心理学和精神病学杂志, 社会科学与医学, JAMA精神病学, AJPH和PLOS One. 她的作品被《太阳城官网》、《太阳城网赌平台》、美国国家公共广播电台、美国有线电视新闻网报道过.并接受了拉里·金的采访.


苏,年代.弗朗费尔克,R. L.Desrosiers, A.布伦南·R.T.J., & 贝当古,T. S. (2021) Classifying childhood war trauma exposure: Latent profile analyses of Sierra Leone’s former child soldiers. 儿童心理学和精神病学杂志. http://doi.org/10.1111/jcpp.13312

亨特,X.贝当古,T.S.帕西奥内,L.Elsabbagh, M.Servili, C. (2021)人道主义环境中的发育障碍儿童:呼吁提供证据并采取行动. 紧急情况下的教育杂志. http://doi.org/10.33682/6vgm-5n34

贝当古,T.S. 汤普森D., & VanderWeele T.J.(2017). 与战争有关的创伤和跨代的心理健康. JAMA精神病学. http://doi.org/10.1001/jamapschiatry.2017.3530

贝当古,T.S., Ng, L.C.柯克,C.M.布伦南,R.T.W .比尔兹利.R.斯图拉克,S.木藏,C.Nduwimana, E.穆昆兹,S.Nyirandagijimana, B.卡丽莎,G.F. R. & Sezibera V. (2017). 以家庭为基础促进艾滋病毒感染儿童心理健康:一项试点随机对照试验. 儿童心理与精神病学杂志,58(8),922-930.

贝当古,T.S.麦克贝恩,R. K.纽纳姆,E. A., & 布伦南,R. T. (2015). The intergenerational impact of war: longitudinal relationships between caregiver and child mental health in postconflict Sierra Leone. 儿童心理与精神病学杂志,56(10),1101-1107.

贝当古,T.S.弗朗费尔克,R.米什拉,T.侯赛因,A.法尔扎拉诺,R. (2015). Addressing Health Disparities in the 心理健康 of Refugee Children and Adolescents Through 社区-Based Participatory 太阳城官网: A Study in 2 Communities. 美国公共卫生杂志

Santavirta T.桑塔维尔塔N.贝当古.S., & 吉尔曼年代.E. (2015). Long term mental health outcomes of Finnish children evacuated to Swedish families during the second world war and their non-evacuated siblings: cohort study. 英国医学杂志,350:g7753.

贝当古,T.S.麦克贝恩,R.纽纳姆,E. A.史密斯,A. M.布伦南,R. T.维兹,J. R., & 汉森,N.B. (2014). 塞拉利昂受战争影响青年的行为干预:一项随机对照试验. 美国儿童学会杂志 & 青少年精神病学,53(12),1288-1297.

贝当古,T.S., Ng, L.C.柯克,C.M.Muyanah, M.木藏,C.C . Ingabire.,泰塔,S.W .比尔兹利.布伦南,R.T.,赞恩,我.斯图拉克,S.F.R., & Sezibera V. (2014). 以家庭为基础预防受艾滋病毒和艾滋病影响的儿童的心理健康问题:公开试验. 爱滋病,(增刊3):S359-S368.

贝当古,T.S.,斯科扎,P.康阳甘孜,F.法齐,M. C. S.V .塞齐贝拉.F.W .比尔兹利.斯图拉克,S.比兹马纳,J.I.史蒂文森,A., & Kayiteshonga Y. (2014). 艾滋病毒和儿童心理健康:卢旺达的病例对照太阳城官网. 儿科,134 (2):e464 - 72.


1U01 MD010613-01贝当古(PI)


Addressing 心理健康 Disparities in Refugee Children Through Family and 社区-based Prevention: A CBPR Collaboration and Hybrid Implementation

The proposed study will employ a cross-cultural CBPR to evaluate the effectiveness of the Family Strengthening Intervention for Refugees, a preventative family home-based visiting intervention intended to mitigate mental health disparities among refugee children and families.


NIH /镍氢

Youth FORWARD: Capacity Building in Alternate Delivery Platforms and Implementation Models for Bringing Evidence-Based Behavioral Interventions to Scale for Youth Facing Adversity in West Africa

This program aims to build mental health research capacity in West Africa through the scale-up and implementation of a behavioral intervention for 暴力-affected youth in collaboration with World Bank youth employment initiatives in Sierra Leone, 其次是利比里亚.




A fourth wave of follow-up to examine the intergenerational effects of war and the post-conflict environment on a cohort of Sierra Leonean young adults affected by war as children, 他们的孩子, 以及他们的亲密伴侣.

The PLAY Collaborative: Testing an Implementation Strategy for Scaling Out Evidence Based ECD 首页-访问ing in Rwanda


资助目的:扩大Sugira Muryango干预的规模, a home-visiting program that uses active coaching to build parent capabilities and increase responsive parenting of both mothers and fathers to promote early childhood development and prevent 暴力.

Sugira Muryango:扩大父亲参与的家庭家访干预


Grant Purpose: A project to increase expertise in father engagement to reduce family 暴力 and improve early childhood outcomes in Rwandan families by building sustainable capacity to conduct and apply programs at the Center for 心理健康 at the University of Rwanda.

Sugira Muryango养育干预:合作扩大幼儿发展领域的机会


Grant Purpose: A project to study developmental differences and gender dynamics in Sugira Muryango implementation and promote factors that shape early childhood development outcomes, 暴力, 以及女孩的太阳城网赌平台准备.

Sugira Muryango纵向太阳城官网:了解父亲订婚的长期影响, 以游戏为基础的家访干预,在卢旺达促进儿童早期发展和预防暴力. 贝当古(π)

Grant purpose: A three-year follow-up study of Sugira Muryango to assess the long-term outcomes of the early childhood development (ECD) and playful parenting intervention on Rwandan families living in extreme poverty.

选择预约 & 奖


2020 - Blanche F. 全球行为健康和社会正义联盟Ittleson奖

2016 -爱丽丝汉密尔顿奖,哈佛大学T.H. 陈公共卫生学院

2012-2013年,实施太阳城官网太阳城官网员, 实施太阳城官网所, 华盛顿大学. 路易





