Connected Consumption and Connected Economy


2008年的经济衰退损害了许多人的经济安全, 随之而来的是失业率和就业不足水平的上升——尤其是对年轻人来说——以及财富的减少和对经济的恐惧和不安全感的加剧. Almost simultaneously, 公众对迫在眉睫的气候变化环境危机的关注已经加速, 鼓励从“绿色消费”到政府主导的对抗环境恶化的行动. 一场“新经济”对话已经出现,其重点是对弹性和可持续性的展望, in which stronger, 更多联系紧密的社区成为由市场外企业和新市场企业组成的生态平衡经济的社会结构. 新经济举措以高满意度为导向, egalitarian outcomes, low eco-footprints, and enhanced levels of learning. 互联消费是这些韧性和可持续性愿景的一部分.

Connected consumption, 以其他名称为特征,如“协作消费”(Botsman和Rogers), 20101) and the “new sharing economy”, is based on a culture of access, use, 二手商品的再流通作为传统私有制的替代品. 有可能促进同伴之间的学习和社会联系, ecological sustainability and economic opportunity, 互联消费有可能改变出行方式, shopping, travel, work practices, living arrangements, service provision, household production and learning. 互联消费举措的例子包括 Yerdle, Freecycle, Airbnb, Couchsurfing, HubCulture, Citizen Space, co-housing, Toolshare, Time banking, the maker movement, P2PU, and Skillshare. Over the course of this project, 我们正在太阳城官网互联消费和互联经济的实践. In 2011 and 2012, we focused on three cases. The first is time banking, 哪一种是以时间单位交换服务的非营利性交换行为. The second is open learning, 哪一个专上教育部门是由免费或低成本的组织组成的, peer-oriented, accessible learning experiences. The third is a local food swap. 在2013年和2014年,我们增加了一个关于创客空间的案例太阳城官网, and case studies on Airbnb, RelayRides and TaskRabbit. 我们的目的是探索连接消费的社会学意义, specifically focusing engagement, expertise, and efficacy, 以及现有的不平等结构如何在这些倡议中重现或打破.

Papers to date

在零工时代之后:共享经济是如何被劫持的,以及如何赢回它 (Berkeley, CA: University of California Press), 2020.

Dependence and Precarity in the Platform Economy,” 2020, Theory and Society 威廉·阿特伍德-查尔斯,穆罕默德·坎索伊,伊萨克·拉德加德,朱丽叶·B. Schor and Robert Wengronowitz).

The Sharing Economy: Rhetoric and Reality,” 2021, Annual Review of Sociology forthcoming v. 47. (Juliet B. Schor and Steven P. Vallas).

What Do Platforms Do?: Understanding the Gig Economy” 2020, Annual Review of Sociology, v. 46. (Steven P. Vallas and Juliet B. Schor).

Homo varians: diverse earner behaviors in the platform economy2020年,(穆罕默德·坎索伊、萨曼莎·艾迪·伊萨克·拉德加德和朱丽叶·B. Schor).

平台可能性:合作社能否赎回“共享经济”??, 2021, in Political Economy and Justice, eds., Danielle Allen, Yochai Benkler, Leah Downey, Rebecca Henderson, and Joshua Simons, forthcoming (Juliet B. Schor and Samantha Eddy).

平台经济:对劳动力、不平等和环境的影响,2018年, 第四次工业革命:对工作和福利的机遇与威胁, eds. Jacqueline O 'Reilly, Max Neufeind和Florian Ranft(伦敦:Roman and Littlefield International). (Juliet B. Schor)

The Sharing Economy,” The Oxford Handbook of Consumption, eds, Frederick F. 惠利和伊恩·伍德沃德,(纽约:牛津大学出版社),即将出版,2020年. Schor and Mehmet Cansoy)

"招待舒适的异国情调:共享经济中的世界主义愿望," The Sociological Review Monographs vol. 66(2) 381–400, 2018. (Isak Ladegaard)

Putting the Sharing Economy into Perspective, 环境创新和社会变革 (Koen Frenken and Juliet B. Schor),

自制物品:一次失败的食物交换中的排斥逻辑”, 2018, Social Problems, spx046, (Connor Fitzmaurice and Juliet B. Schor)

“共享经济”:盈利性平台上的劳动力、不平等和社交,” 2018, Sociology Compass (Juliet B. Schor and William Attwood-Charles).

驯化市场:道德交换与共享经济,” 2018, Socio-Economic Review (Connor J. 菲茨莫里斯,伊萨克·拉德加德,威廉·阿特伍德-查尔斯,穆罕默德·坎索,林赛·B. Carfagna, Juliet B. Schor and Robert Wengronowitz).

“谁在‘共享经济’中分享:了解Airbnb的参与和交换模式”," 2018, (Mehmet Cansoy and Juliet B. Schor), unpublished.

"Complicating Conventionalization,” 2017, Journal of Marketing Management, 33(7-8): 644-651 (Juliet B. Schor and Connor Fitzmaurice).

"Dependence and Precarity in the Sharing Economy," 2017, (Juliet B. 肖尔、威尔·阿特伍德-查尔斯、穆罕默德·坎索伊、伊萨克·拉德加德、罗伯特·温格罗诺维茨).

“共享经济是否加剧了80%人口的不平等??:一项针对平台供应商的定性太阳城官网的发现。 Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society, (Juliet B. Schor), 2017. Also available at:

“Old Exclusion in Emergent Spaces” 2016, 我们的黑客和拥有:平台合作主义的兴起, eds, Trebor Scholz and Nathan Schneider, (OR Books).

“共享经济中开放与区别的悖论” Poetics, 2016, 54:66-81. (Juliet B. 肖尔,康纳·菲茨莫里斯,威廉·阿特伍德-查尔斯,林赛·B. Carfagna).

“Getting Sharing Right,” Contexts, (Juliet B. Schor), forthcoming 2015.

“工作中的区别:创客空间中的不平等动态”,威尔·阿特伍德-查尔斯和朱丽叶·B. Schor), in process.

“一种新兴的生态习惯:道德消费者中高文化资本实践的重新配置。,” Journal of Consumer Culture, 14(2):1-21, 2014, (Lindsey B. Carfagna, Emilie A. 杜波依斯,康纳·菲茨莫里斯,托马斯·莱德利,莫尼克·欧梅特,朱丽叶·B. Schor and Margaret Willis).

“合作与联系:共享经济的出现”, Handbook on Research on Sustainable Consumption, eds., Lucia Reisch和John Thogersen,(切尔滕纳姆,英国:Edward Elgar), (Juliet B. Schor and Connor Fitzmaurice), forthcoming 2015.

“New Cultures of Consumption in a Boston Time Bank,” 可持续的生活方式和对丰富的追求:新经济的案例太阳城官网, Juliet B. Schor and Craig J. 汤普森,(纽黑文:耶鲁大学出版社),(艾米丽·杜布瓦,朱丽叶·B. Schor and Lindsey B. Carfagna), 2014, pp. 95-124. (excerpted in Rotman Magazine, 案例总结:互联消费:共享经济的兴起, case write-up, Harvard Business Review. Available at

《太阳城官网》,载于 慢文化:加速世界中的社会减速, ed., Nick Osbaldiston(英国贝辛斯托克:Palgrave Macmillan), 2013, (Juliet B. Schor).

“Debating the Sharing Economy,” Essay published by the Great Transition Initiative, Tellus Institute, available at, October 2014, (Juliet B. Schor).

超越常规学习:开放学习者的互联学习, DML case study, (Lindsey “Luka” Carfagna), September 2014, available at:

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