

Dr. 帕特里克·多诺万 earned his PhD from 太阳城网赌平台 in 2008 working in 教授essor Larry Scott’s organic chemistry research group. After a short stint in a pharmaceutical company and finding himself without a job, Dr. Donovan accepted an offer to join Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics. Happy with the transition, he now works on molecules that can be used in diverse assays and is less specialized than the chemistry typically done in pharmaceutical companies. Read about the transition of Donovan and others who decided to forego the traditional career path and join the world of medical diagnostics at 这个链接.

BC Alum Scoring Big with Funders

Dr. 格雷格•奥尼尔, Assistant 教授essor of 化学 at Western Washington University, earned a B.S. in chemistry from 太阳城网赌平台. As an undergraduate, 教授. O’Neil worked in the research laboratory of 教授essor Larry Scott. He went on to earn his doctorate at the University of Colorado and was the recipient of the Alexander von Humboldt 博士后太阳城官网人员hip, spending several years at the Max-Planck Institut für Kohlenforschung. 教授. O’Neil has received three impressive grant awards in support of his research. These include an NSF Faculty Early Career Development 程序 Grant, an 本科 New Investigator Grant from the Petroleum 太阳城官网 Fund and an NIH grant. Additional information on 教授. O’Neil’s research can be found on 他的网站.

查尔斯·约翰内斯 named Head of Organic 化学 at the Institute of Chemical and 工程 Sciences (ICES)

Dr. 查尔斯·约翰内斯 has assumed the role of Head of Organic 化学 at the Institute of Chemical and 工程 Sciences (ICES). He will hold a joint appointment at the Experimental Therapeutics Center (ETC) under the Agency of Science and Technology (A*STAR) for the Singapore government. 在这个新职位上,Dr. Johannes’ work will encompass drug discovery, 绿色化学, process research and specialty chemicals. A doctoral student working in 教授. 阿米尔H. Hoveyda’s group, he 获得博士学位D in 1998. 最近,Dr。. Johannes was the Director of 化学 at Forma Therapeutics.

史蒂文Malcolmson wins Reaxys PhD Prize

Dr. 史蒂文Malcolmson他获得了博士学位.D. in 教授essor 阿米尔Hoveyda’s group, was selected as a recipient of the 2011 Reaxys PhD Prize. This highly competitive international award recognizes research and publication excellence. Consideration is given for originality, 创新, importance to the field, 适用性, rigor of approach and publication quality. A board of over 70 leading international chemists reviewed close to 300 submissions resulting in the naming of 3 winners. Malcolmson was honored for his article, “Highly Efficient Molybdenum-Based Catalysts for Enantioselective Alkene Metathesis.” He is currently a postdoctoral fellow in the laboratory of 教授essor Christopher Walsh, Harvard Medical School.

Dr. 约翰L. LaMattina receives ACS Award

Dr. 约翰LaMattina 收到了厄尔B. Barnes Award for Leadership in Chemical 太阳城官网 Management from the American Chemical Society earlier this year. This award honors those who have shown excellent leadership and creativity in promoting chemistry through a proven record of successful research projects that have motivated fellow researchers and gained the recognition of their peers. 得了B.S. in 化学 from 太阳城网赌平台 in 1971, D. LaMattina is the former President of Pfizer 全球 R&D. He is currently a Senior Partner at PureTech Ventures. A friend of the 化学 Department, Dr. LaMattina generously supports our graduate program with the annual award of Dr. 约翰L. LaMattina太阳城官网员.

Dr. Ming Joo“MJ”Koh (Ph.D, 2017, Hoveyda Lab 太阳城官网er) is now an Assistant 教授essor in the 化学 Department at the National University of Singapore. He was recently selected as a 2021 recipient of the prestigious MIT Tech Review's Innovators Under 35 Asia Pacific Award. 2018年6月,Dr. Koh was awarded the President's Assistant 教授essorship to commence his independent studies at the National University of Singapore.

Dr. 金谢, (Ph.D. 2015, Wang Lab 太阳城官网er) is an Assistant 教授essor at ShanghaiTech University.

Dr. 弗兰克一个. 罗比, (BCC'72) recently founded AriaVax, Inc., a small molecule vaccine company following a successful career at the National Institute of Health.

Currently a Senior Scientist at Life Technologies, Dr. Guobing香 获得博士学位.D. in 1996.

Dr. 涌泉李, Ph.D. 02是R&D Scientist with Thermofisher Scientific.