





桑德拉Waddock是加利根战略主席, 卡罗尔学院企业责任学者, 教授 of Management at the 卡罗尔管理学院 at 太阳城网赌平台. Waddock teaches a University Capstone Course entitled "Leadership and Mindfulness." She has published more than 180 papers and book chapters and 16 books (as of 2023) on topics ranging from the catalyzing transformation, 治愈世界, 知识萨满教, 企业公民和责任, 等. 目前的太阳城官网方向是体制转型, 管理未来, 模因和叙事, 知识萨满教, 管理教育, 以及跨部门合作, 等.

Waddock has received numerous lifetime achievement awards including the PRME Pioneer Awards for leadership in 2017, the Lifetime Achievement CSR Award in 2016 from Humboldt-Universitat柏林, 工商经济学院, 7th International Conference on Corporate Sustainability and Responsibility, 以及2015年人文管理领导奖, 等. 她的书 知识巫师 received the 2018 Humanistic Management Association’s Best Book Award for pedagogy and policy, 差异制造者 received the Social Issues in Management Best Book Award in 2011. 她的书 催化转型:使系统变革发生 (商业专家出版社, 2023) describes an innovative process for bringing about transformative change towards just, 包容, 以及繁荣的自然世界中的公平社会.

Waddock has been a visiting scholar at the Harvard Kennedy School (twice), the Darden 太阳城官网生 School of 业务 at Griffith University (Brisbane, 澳大利亚), the University of Pretoria South Africa Centre for Responsible Leadership, 等. She served as Distinguished Lecturer at Kansas State University and as co-Verizon professor at Bentley University, 等. 在太阳城网赌平台, she co-founded the former Leadership for Change Program and the Initiative for Responsible Investment (now at Harvard Kennedy School’s Hauser Center). She serves on editorial boards of numerous journals in the business in society arena, 还曾为 业务 & 社会组织 & 环境,企业公民杂志 (2002年至2004年担任主编)等等.

她的论文已在 可持续发展、组织 & 环境中, 管理学会 Journal, 管理学会 Learning & 教育, 管理学会 Executive, Strategic Management Journal, 业务 & 社会, 管理学习, 人文管理学报, 期货, 卡德摩斯, 全球可持续发展管理杂志, 基于意识的系统变革杂志, 商业与社会评论, 《太阳城网赌平台》杂志,以及其他众多网站. 1997年,她与塞缪尔. Graves entitled "Quality of Management and Quality of Stakeholder Relations: Are They Synonymous?" was the recipient of the 1997 Moskowitz Prize given by the Social Investment Forum.

Waddock在东北大学获得学士学位, 太阳城网赌平台英语文学硕士学位, 1979年获得波士顿大学工商管理硕士学位,1985年获得DBA学位. She has been appointed to a three-year term on the Intergovernmental Panel on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) Transformative Change Assessment (2022-2025), served for three years on the founding steward team of the Bounce Beyond Initiative (2020-2022), as a member of the 全球 Assessment for a New Economics (GANE) team, 在其他任命中.