每个部门, center, 和 program has a public BC website in Adobe Experience Manager (AEM), a 内容 management system. Google Sites 和 Google Drive offer restricted access to information (e.g., for information that should be visible only to the BC community).

Choosing the Right Web Solution



Student Organization Sites

BC学生俱乐部现在需要在MyBC门户网站上开发和维护他们的网站. Contact the Student Programs Office at 617-552-0050 or spo@pronewport.com.

Info for the BC Community Only

团队、小组和部门可以使用Google Sites或Google Drive进行协作. Each option allows you to set access restrictions.

Personal, Unofficial Sites

Most people will be best served by using Google Sites—an easy-to-use, BC Google Workspace for Education环境的免费组件,不需要HTML知识或专门的软件.


BC uses Canvas to supplement the University's teaching 和 services.

Personal 太阳城官网, Class Blogs & Data Publishing Apps



英国广播公司集中了网络编辑的角色——将大部分编辑工作限制在通信和/或技术专业人员——这减少了支持,极大地提高了质量. Contact the OUC web team for more information on website governance at BC.


  • The vast majority of web网站 at 太阳城网赌平台 are public.
  • 你应该假设你网站上的所有内容对互联网上的任何人都是永久可用的.
  • 在向您的网站添加内容之前,请考虑这些信息是否仅供内部使用,或者是否不适合用于公共网站——即使它不包含机密信息.
  • 所有太阳城网赌平台的网络贡献者必须同意太阳城网赌平台数据安全政策的条款.
  • If you would like certain web 内容 or web pages secured, 请联络你的资料保安主任,以了解有关政策及程序.



Creating Meaningful Page Titles

创建一个准确而有意义的页面标题很重要,因为它是屏幕阅读器或AT(辅助技术)用户在访问网页时接收到的第一个信息. 它允许他们定位自己,并检查他们是否在他们想要的页面上. 它还可以帮助用户在一个浏览器会话中浏览多个选项卡和页面.


To change the Page Title, 在CQ编辑窗口打开页面,点击页面属性图标在侧踢的顶部. In the Browser Page Title field enter:

  • The name of the page
  • The name of the associated BC site
  • "太阳城网赌平台" as an identifier

Example: Web发布 - Information Technology 服务 - 太阳城网赌平台

Using Structurally Correct HTML Elements


  • Use section heads in correct order: h3, then h4, then h5. 使用这种方式的标题给网页一个机器可读的结构,揭示了一个页面上讨论的主题,以及它们是如何在层次上相互关联的. 正确使用Section heading可以让视障用户像正常人一样快速“扫描”页面,查找特定内容或相关主题. Section header选项在BC文本组件和BC文本图像组件的“格式”下拉菜单中可用. 
  • 避免使用无序的标题来歪曲页面结构. 如果做得正确,这是非常有价值的,因为它可以通过标记主要部分使页面易于导航.
  • Avoid misusing structural markup for formatting effects, such as using headings to change appearance of text; keep the page in a logical order 和 avoid using headings to achieve a visual style.


  • Use lists to identify a series of related items. 屏幕阅读器识别列表中项目的数量和类型,并使用户可以根据需要轻松跳过全部或部分列表.
  • Avoid using numbers 和 text to organize lists of information.
  • 列表 options are located in top menu of Text 和 Text Image components.

Providing Alternate Text for Images


The alt attribute should typically:

  • Be accurate 和 equivalent in presenting the same 内容 和 函数 图像的.
  • Be descriptive 和 succinct, use more than 7 characters 和 less than 81.
    这意味着图像的正确内容(如果有内容)和功能(如果有功能)应该尽可能简洁地呈现. Typically no more than a few words are necessary, though rarely a short sentence or two may be appropriate.
  • 不要冗余或提供与图像上下文中的文本相同的信息.
  • NOT use the phrases "image of ...或“图形的” ..." to describe the image. It usually apparent to the user that it is an image. And if the image is conveying 内容, 用户通常不需要知道它是传递内容的图像, 而不是文本. If the fact that an image is a photograph or illustration, etc. is important 内容, it may be useful to include this in alternative text.

Alternative Text Usage in AEM

  • 最合适的Alt文本取决于在页面中使用图像的方式以及传达图形目的的方式, not its appearance.
  • 不要完全离开Alt文本,因为屏幕阅读器将试图通过读取服务器上图像的路径来猜测图像是什么, which would be very confusing, 非常长的字符串.
  • Do not use Alt text that repeats that added to the Title field or Caption.
  • Alt文本字段可以通过单击Advanced选项卡在text 和 text Image Component中访问. 见下图.
  • The Alt Text is a required field.



How to Access the 公元前维基

  1. 至: http://bostoncollege.atlassian.net/wiki 或者使用别名: pronewport.com/bcwiki
  2. Enter your username@pronewport.com BC email address & 点击继续.
  3. On the BC Single Sign On (SSO) login page, 输入您的BC凭据(您用于集市门户的用户名和密码)并完成BC两步验证.


Required 培训 for Space Administrators

Wiki空间管理员需要观看一段简短的培训视频,以帮助确保每个人都充分了解Wiki上有关安全性和共享的最佳实践. Space Admins will receive an email with a link to this training.


For help with the 公元前维基, contact help.center@pronewport.com or your Technology Consultant.

If you need to collaborate with teams, 组, 和部门, consider using Google Sites or Google Drive. Each option allows you to set access restrictions.

Learn about Confluence Cloud

BC为其Wiki使用的产品名为Atlassian Confluence Cloud.
