On a summer weekend at 太阳城网赌平台, a group of 24 graduate students enrolled in the online Master of 医疗保健 Administration program were asked to apply their expertise while using their imaginations.

Shedding their current occupations for imaginary roles (patient, 付款人, 雇主, 初级保健提供者, or specialty provider) the MHA students were charged with envisioning a future in which high-quality, affordable healthcare is delivered effectively and equally to all patients.

那会是什么样子? And perhaps more importantly, how do we get there?


The assignment was the culmination of a three-week hybrid course taught by Dr. 道格拉斯Rosendale, federal chief medical interoperability officer at Deloitte Consulting LLP and a prominent leader in health information technology. It was also the theme of Innovation Immersion Weekend, the on-site portion of the course that brought students together with top healthcare professionals for several days of learning, 解决问题, 以及在BC校园的社交活动.


Dr. 道格拉斯Rosendale moderated a panel discussion to kick off Innovation Immersion Weekend. 图片来源:Justin Knight

At an opening reception Friday evening, students heard from keynote speaker Dr. 特里·卡伦, currently a research scientist at the Regenstrief Institute, and a former information officer for Indian 健康 Service and chief medical information officer for the Veterans 健康 Administration. 主题演讲结束后. Rosendale moderated a discussion with panelists Micky Tripathi, president and CEO of Massachusetts e健康 Collaborative, 雷坎贝尔, executive director of the Massachusetts Center for 健康 Information and Analysis, 蒂莫西·德里斯科尔, senior director of technology strategies at Boston Children’s Hospital, 莎伦·维蒂, senior vice president and executive director of CVS MinuteClinic.

然后,学生们的工作开始了. 在课间, they worked in groups to tackle the assignment, grappling with current issues like rising costs and considering the role of big data and artificial intelligence in future healthcare settings. By Sunday morning, they were prepared to defend their solutions in front of a panel of expert judges.

“It was an amazing experience,” said MHA student Fernanda Campbell, Ph.D., who currently serves as a Fellow in Boston Mayor Marty Walsh’s office (Walsh is a 2009 graduate of BC’s 伍兹高等教育学院,负责管理房委会).

这个项目很“具有挑战性”, but especially motivating after the intensive readings and discussions we had,坎贝尔说。. “I am convinced after this course that true healthcare reform must be innovative, 颠覆性的, and [empower] patients to become better consumers of health.”


自从两年前在英国广播公司推出以来 森林大学, the MHA program has intensified its focus on empowering future healthcare leaders to become change agents in their field. 学生 are encouraged to take risks, think creatively, and challenge industry norms.

“Our goal is not to train leaders to maintain the status quo,艾米丽·拉维奥拉解释道, 英里每小时, MHA的临时项目主管. “We want to train our students to be savvy thinkers who understand the existing context and the levers that can be used to drive change. 我们想要培养变革型的领导者.”


Many MHA students hail from one of 17 Boston-area healthcare institutions that have partnered with the BC program. 图片来源:Justin Knight

越来越多地, the program has drawn participants from local healthcare powerhouses such as Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts, 剑桥健康联盟, 贝斯以色列女执事医院. Nineteen students currently hail from Massachusetts General Hospital, one of 17 healthcare institutions to formally partner with the MHA program.

参与者, all of whom have a minimum of two years professional experience, represent a diverse cross-section of the healthcare field. 多亏了同步类, 他们经常互相交流, forming valuable professional connections.

“Administrators and clinicians don’t often get to really dig into the issues together, 但他们在我们的教室里,拉维奥拉说. “我们有护士, 医生, 管理员, 来自医院的人, 制药公司, 保险公司, 换句话说,创业公司, 全色域. Peer dialogue greatly enhances student learning.”


医疗保健行业 预期 到2026年将创造400万个就业岗位, many students enter the MHA program hoping to advance their careers or identify positions that more closely align with their values. 该项目雇佣了一名全职员工, professionally trained executive coach with a background in healthcare to support them on their journey.

“Our coach really helps our students with personal formation,拉维奥拉说. “She helps them connect with what they’re passionate about, 他们所擅长的, and how they aspire to use their gifts in the world.”

Raviola has watched this process of self-actualization play out among the program’s first graduates, who took part in Commencement exercises in May. 特别是, one graduate’s story stood out in Raviola’s mind as an example of the program’s transformative impact.

“她是外科护士, and she said being in this program gave her the language to communicate across her organization with leaders who before she hadn’t been able to interface with,拉维奥拉说. “It completely changed her vision of who she was professionally and how far she could go.”   

更多信息,请访问 太阳城网赌平台MHA网站.

—Alix Hackett | University Communications