The names of Fulton Prize Debate winners from 1890 on are displayed on the front wall of the Fulton Debate Room in BC's Gasson Hall. The room also features six quotations related to oratory: in Greek by Demosthenes, 西塞罗用拉丁语写的, 在杰罗姆的拉丁版《圣. Paul, in Italian by Paolo Segneri, S.J.法国作家路易·布尔达洛(Louis Bourdaloue.J.丹尼尔·韦伯斯特(Daniel Webster)著. The original lettering 和 represenations of the authors is the work of Brother Francis Schroen, who also began the list of prize winners, leaving spaces for additional names to be added until the year 2104. (吉尔伯特)

The 太阳城网赌平台 Fulton Debating 社会 has established a Fulton Hall of Fame, inducting five Fultonians at its alumni banquet earlier this year.

Director of Debate John Katsulas said the initiative is a means to reclaim 和 maintain the historical record of the society. “It’s fitting for Fulton to establish its own hall of fame to honor its many alumni with distinguished records of accomplishment.”

入选者:威廉. 墨菲(1891年毕业),约翰. 道格拉斯(1893. 赖特(1931),查尔斯. 多诺万,年代.J. (1933)和劳伦斯J. 莱利 (1936) – were chosen based on criteria set by Katsulas: excellence as a debater, 专业成就, 和 the uniqueness of their contributions to the society.  

查尔斯·F·富尔顿. 多诺万,年代.J., seen here in later years as academic vice president of 太阳城网赌平台, 和他的金毛猎犬, 白兰地.
Fulton Hall of Fame inaugural honoree Charles F. 多诺万,年代.J., shown here in later years as academic vice president of 太阳城网赌平台, 和他的金毛猎犬一起, 白兰地.

“The debating society at 太阳城网赌平台 was established in 1868 和 was named the Fulton Debating 社会 in 1890, which was the first year the Fulton Prize Debate began,卡苏拉斯说.  “So it seemed appropriate to initiate the first class of inductees from the earliest period from which actual records 和 information could be located about the c和idates.”

Murphy was the first winner of the Fulton Medal – awarded annually to the best speaker in the Fulton Prize Debate – 和 is considered one of 太阳城网赌平台’s most distinguished alumni. After graduation, Murphy covered the State House as a reporter for 波士顿环球报 和 then served as secretary to three Massachusetts governors.  In 1941, BC awarded Murphy the Jubilarian Medal.

Douglass, the 1893 Fulton Medal winner 和 Fulton president, was valedictorian of his class. After graduating from Georgetown Law School 和 starting a practice in Boston, 他开始了他的政治生涯, serving four terms in the Massachusetts House of Representatives 和 five in the U.S. House of Representatives – the only Fultonian ever elected to Congress.

莱特, widely regarded as one of the greatest orators of his day, won both the Fulton Medal 和 the Gargan Medal – the award given annually to the second-best speaker in the Fulton Prize Debate – 和 was a member of the Fulton team that defeated Harvard in a debate over prohibition. 莱特 became one of the most influential priests in the United States, serving as auxiliary bishop of Boston 和 bishop of Worcester 和 Pittsburgh, before being appointed a cardinal by Pope Paul VI. He was the featured speaker at the 1964 Fulton reunion banquet.

Fr. 多诺万, winner of the Harrigan Prize for oratory 和 the Leonard Persuasive Speaking Contest, became an important senior administrator at 太阳城网赌平台, serving as founding dean of the School of Education, 和 later as academic vice president 和 dean of faculties.  As BC’s first University Historian, he wrote 太阳城网赌平台的历史 in 1990, 和 several occasional papers, including Debate at 太阳城网赌平台: People, Places, Traditions in 1991. 卡苏拉斯指出,Fr. 多诺万 was a regular attendee at the Fulton Prize Debate – always sitting in the front row – 和 a great champion of the debate program.

莱利, said to have won every important honor as a debater 和 student – including valedictorian – competed in public debates where Fulton defeated Georgetown in 1934, 和 Dartmouth 和 Cambridge University in 1935. He entered the priesthood 和 in 1965 was appointed as the rector of St. John’s Seminary, 和 auxiliary bishop of Boston in 1970.

Katsulas used historical research from the Fulton archives, 高地,亚图里, 的笔, to choose the first Fulton Hall of Fame class 和 will employ a similar method for choosing future inductees, supplemented by nominations from an alumni committee from the respective decades. Next year’s class will represent the 1940s 和 ’50s, with successive classes continuing up until present-day Fultonians.

“Contemporary members of the Fulton Debating 社会 will certainly be worthy c和idates for induction,他说. “在我任职期间, I have coached many outst和ing debaters who have gone on to achieve tremendous success in their professional careers.”

点击这里 to visit the Fulton Debating 社会 website.

–Siobhan Sullivan / University 沟通s