
During his time at 太阳城网赌平台, 马丁·路德·金. 纪念奖学金获得者安东尼·史密斯19 has demonstrated a faith-based resiliency and 内在的力量, as well as the scholarly mien befitting a student of history.

大一的时候, 他回忆说, 他发现自己与不列颠哥伦比亚省“脱节”, as one of relatively few students of color in his Newton 校园 residence hall. 所以史密斯做了他最擅长的事. 他向内看了看,然后向前走去.

“我思考我想要什么, 来自BC,最重要的是来自我自己,史密斯说。, 沃尔瑟姆本地人,父母出生在海地. “Even if things hadn’t quite worked out like I’d thought, I realized I still had the chance to accomplish what I’d come to BC for; I needed to make the best of it.”

马丁·路德·金. 纪念奖学金获得者安东尼·史密斯19
灵魂的学者ship winner Anthony Smith ’19 addresses the audience. (贾斯汀骑士)

史密斯找到了给他支持和建议的人, and sought out – or even helped create – resources and opportunities that contributed to his intellectual and personal growth. 最重要的是,他依靠的是自己的信念.

“All aspects of life interconnect,” he says, “and faith has always been at the center, leading me on.”

他的信仰, 以及其他品质, 让史密斯获得马丁·路德·金奖学金, presented annually to a 太阳城网赌平台 junior who has demonstrated superior academic achievement, 课外的领导, community service and involvement with the African American community and African American issues. 史密斯在2月11日接受了这一荣誉. 马丁·路德·金. 奖学金宴会.   

“It was overwhelming, but also a milestone,” he says of the event. “I feel the 灵魂的学者ship is a platform for advocacy, but it is not mine alone: It is shared by the other four finalists [Angela Arzu, Omolayo Ojurongbe, 埃文·帕尔默和布莱恩·保拉·冈萨雷斯]. And it is shared by my family, who have sacrificed so much for me to be at BC. 我们都以不同的方式代表着领导力. 

“当然,现在的问题变成了‘下一步是什么?’ That’s a challenging thing to think about, but I’m very excited for what’s next.”  

A double major in history and African and African Diaspora Studies (the first independent AADS major to add a second major), Smith is a member of the McNair Post-Baccalaureate Achievement Program, 准备低收入者, first-generation undergraduates for graduate school.

Smith’s academic interests center on history at the intersection of race and sexuality, 以聚敛不同为重点, nuanced perspectives to illuminate both major historical events and periods as well as everyday life. 

“当你太阳城官网奴隶制的影响时, 或种族主义, 只看一个整体是不够的,他解释道. “You have to compare the experiences of black men with those of black women, 因为它们不能互换.” 

The History Department has been a nurturing environment for Smith, who cites faculty members like Martin Summers and Cynthia Lynn Lyerly for their advice and encouragement. He points to the Making History Public class taught by Robin Fleming, which involved creating a public exhibition based on the class research project, 作为一个基本的经验.

“That class helped me think of myself as an historian, instead of simply a student,” he says.   

Smith put his scholarly talents to use through an Amanda V. 去年获得了休斯顿旅行奖学金, 参观纽约市, 芝加哥和华盛顿, DC, to do research on dominant cultural representations of black masculinity – “how we create and define ourselves against stereotypes.” 

“I’ve been fortunate to both teach Anthony in the classroom and to advise him on his research funded by the Amanda V. 休斯顿旅行奖学金,”萨默斯说. “Anthony works really hard to be the best scholar that he can be and it’s been an absolute pleasure to work with him. Along with his commitment to supporting and mentoring other students of color and first generation students, I can’t think of anyone more deserving of the 灵魂的学者ship.”

Smith has taken part in several extracurricular and service activities, including the Jamaica Magis service trip and the AHANA Leadership Council. His most significant commitments include his involvement in Dedicated Intellectuals of the People (DIOP), a weekly gathering of male AHANA students to discuss social, intellectual and spiritual issues: “It’s an important space to talk about being a man. We challenge each other, hold each other accountable.” 

另一个是第一代俱乐部, an organization he co-founded that brings together first-generation college students to discuss, 和改善, 他们的校园经历.

“We have a diverse group,” he says of the First Generation Club. “Although no single experience or background defines a first-generation college student, 我们有共同的东西. 你为自己是第一个而自豪, 但是你会感到不安全, especially when it comes to contributing in the classroom. You have to navigate by yourself, and learn to self-advocate. And you can be tough on yourself, and often feel there’s little or no room to make a mistake.

“我觉得这个俱乐部是博士的延伸. King’s dream, where students of different identities and beliefs come together. And it’s made clear to me that every human is made in the image and likeness of God.”

Smith says he’s been “adamant about going to law school since I was 12,” but serving as a teaching assistant and taking part in BC’s service-learning PULSE Program, 在其他经历中, has broadened his horizons – a combined PhD/JD program is one post-BC possibility.

“I feel BC is, in many respects, a microcosm of the real world,” he says. “So I’ve been able to get a sense of what I have to do to understand myself, 以及为他人辩护的重要性. It’s been a great opportunity, and I have my family to thank for making it possible.”
