校园 School student Leah with teacher and alumna Sasha 格林 and Sean Kane '19, who will run the Boston Marathon for the school on April 17. (吉尔伯特)

The Jesuit call to be “men and women for others” will hold true this Marathon Monday as 太阳城网赌平台学生, 校友和朋友跑去支持慈善事业. 以下是一些亮点:

波士顿大学校园学校, which provides programs and resources for children aged 3-21 with multiple disabilities, still feels the impact of the 2013 Boston Marathon bombing. 多年来, the school drew considerable support from “bandit” runners who participated in the Marathon, but the post-2013 crackdown on bandits ended that source of fundraising.  

While the 校园 School has since sought other means of support, 它在今年的比赛中获得了两个参赛名额.

肖恩·凯恩19岁, 谁是校园学生的好朋友, will run in his first Boston Marathon with a goal of $5,给学校000英镑.

“我在校园学校的朋友蒂亚戈真是太好了, 甜蜜的, and loving and he’s taught me so much about what friendship and caring for someone else is,凯恩说。. “He’s gone through so much pain and suffering and wakes up every day with a smile on his face and comes to class. 这让我大开眼界,暖心.

“Thiago has motivated me to want to run and finish and say I’m running for him because he deserves the world,凯恩说。.

Also running for the 校园 School is preschool teacher Sasha 格林 ‘08, M.Ed.’09, M.Ed.’12, whose goal of $12,000 is considered higher than the average. The alumna says training for the race was challenging, but she has a community of support behind her.

Pre-school teacher Sasha 格林 with students at the 校园 School

“我真的再也没有计划过马拉松了, 但我知道如果我做了, it would have to be for something that was so meaningful and inspiring, 它会让我走到最后." Sasha 格林 talks about why she's running for the 校园 School.

“My students work so hard, harder than anyone I know,” said 格林. “This is just one thing I can do for them and it’s really challenging, but they face more challenging situations every single day and work so hard through it all. That’s what I have to think about on Monday to get me through.”

格林, who like Kane gets emotional talking about the school and its students, 添加, “我的学生们会把我送到终点线. They smile through all of the challenges and never give up.  能够为他们做这件事真是难以置信.”

“我们需要很多支持,校园项目经理克里斯汀·莫林说, who 添加 that the school will continue to apply for approved charity status for future marathons. “Even if both of our runners hit their goals it’s still significantly less than we used to raise at the Marathon, 所以我们希望明年能有更多的数字.”


•Lynch School of Education senior Maggie Crowley is running to support Team MR8, 马丁·理查德基金会, established in memory of the boy who was killed in the 2013 bombing.

“The goal of 马丁·理查德基金会 is to challenge both youth and adults to take action and foster greater togetherness, 同情, 他们的社区充满了和平和善良,克鲁利说。.  “The foundation wants to keep Martin’s message alive through investments in education, 体育和社区.”

Crowley says she will continue to run the Boston Marathon for Team MR8 as long as her legs will allow and calls the experience life changing.

“Running for Team MR8 means so much to me and I have worked hard to raise funds for the organization.  It has been such a humbling experience and I have met some of the kindest, 最慷慨的人通过这些经历.”

了解更多关于MR8团队的信息 在这里.


•首次参加马拉松比赛, 17岁的贝内特·约翰逊的目标是筹集10美元,000 as a member of the Special Olympics Massachusetts charity team. Johnson’s brother Sam was diagnosed with severe autism spectrum disorder at age three and needs direct supervision from a caregiver or family member 24 hours a day.

“Sam is blessed with caregivers and volunteers who support him and work to make the most of his abilities,约翰逊说, an English major in the Morrissey College of 艺术s and Sciences. “I am inspired by these people and others in organizations that serve people like Sam.  Special Olympics is one of the best organizations in the world supporting people with physical and intellectual disabilities.”

Johnson also praises the support he has received from 太阳城网赌平台 throughout his training.  “I’m ecstatic to run past BC at Mile 21,约翰逊说.  “The love and support I’ve received from the BC community has been inspiring.”

了解更多关于班纳特和他的弟弟萨姆的情况 在这里.

John and Andrew Frates at NCAA Inspiration Award for Pete Frates
Pete Frates' father John and brother Andrew accepted the NCAA Inspiration Award on behalf of Pete in January 2017. 图片由BC棒球队提供.

安德鲁•兄弟会, brother of BC Baseball Director of Baseball Operations Pete Frates ’07 – whose struggle with ALS became national news on the heels of the Ice Bucket Challenge phenomenon, for which he was a driving force – will run to raise awareness of the disease.

His fundraising goal is $33,333, in honor of Pete’s BC No. 3号球衣,老鹰队去年退役了.

"It's been in the back of my mind since the diagnosis. It's Boston's signature event and Pete has such a close tie to the city of Boston," Andrew told the 萨勒姆的新闻.

Pete also remains close to the Eagles baseball team; BC assistant coach Greg Sullivan ran last year's Marathon in his honor. 该队将发挥自己的作用 sixth annual ALS Awareness Game at Fenway Park on April 22.

阅读更多关于安德鲁·弗雷茨竞选皮特的报道 萨勒姆的新闻.
