Brian Gareau

Brian Gareau (Photo by Peter Julian)

太阳城网赌平台本科核心课程的领导层将在今年夏天进行一次关键的转变, 社会学与国际太阳城官网副教授Brian Gareau将接替历史副教授Julian Bourg担任莫里西艺术与科学学院的副院长. 

Bourg is the inaugural holder of the position, created three years ago as part of the University’s Core Renewal initiative. 这一努力始于2012年秋季,当时核心太阳城官网委员会(Core Renewal Committee)会见了几组教员, administrators, staff, students and other stakeholders in the University about the core, which had last been revised in 1991. 

Among other changes, 该倡议促成了大学核心太阳城官网委员会(UCRC)的成立。, with Bourg as its chair, to provide governance for the core. That same year, 2015, 启动了一个试点项目,在两个类别中引入新的跨学科核心课程, Complex Problems and Enduring Questions.

核心领导层的变动正值“核心太阳城官网”试点项目出现令人鼓舞的迹象, 据布尔和加罗说:大约有700名一年级学生学习了新的核心课程, with an additional 1,000 expected to do so by the end of the next academic year; by then, 来自BC省所有学院和21个莫里西学院部门的126名教师将参与核心太阳城官网.

As Bourg points out, the success is qualitative as well as quantitative. “Faculty colleagues have developed new collaborations and relationships. 这些课程的严谨性和相关性给一年级学生留下了深刻的印象,以及他们如何邀请他们在他们所学的知识和他们余生中发生的事情之间建立联系. 

“More generally, 核心复兴计划为太阳城网赌平台的文科注入了活力——莫里西学院与不列颠哥伦比亚省其他学术和非学术办公室之间建立了各种各样的联系.”

Reflecting on his tenure as associate dean for the core, Bourg said he has enjoyed getting to know his colleagues. “There are good people all over campus who care about our students. I especially have been gratified to witness inspiring faculty collaborations. Faculty are the heart of Boston College, 我们正开始越来越多地让他们参与塑造大学的未来.”

Julian Bourg

Julian Bourg (Photo by Peter Julian)

“我非常感谢朱利安·布尔作为核心学院首任副院长所提供的不可或缺的服务,” said Morrissey College Dean Gregory Kalscheur, S.J., who has played a lead role in the Core Renewal. “他对核心的综合和形成性愿景的深刻理解,以及我们对核心太阳城官网和试点复杂问题和持久问题课程的独特教学希望,是这些新课程在过去三年取得巨大成功的关键。.  

“A tremendous amount of work has been involved in moving this project forward, and Julian has been outstanding as a tireless leader, 在整个大学的教职员工和部门中有效地倡导该计划, and a visible spokesman for Core Renewal with alumni, parents, and friends of the University.”

Gareau对核心太阳城官网的参与包括在倡议开始时参加关于核心的市政厅式讨论,并在UCRC任职. 他还与他的合作伙伴共同设计了一门课程,用于修订后的核心的试点阶段, Tara Pisani Gareau, an assistant professor of the practice in the Environmental Studies Program.   

“The Core Renewal has been a very exciting one, 激发了全校师生的兴趣和参与,” said Gareau, 谁赞扬了布尔和中心副主任查尔斯·基南的工作, and the leadership of Fr. Kalscheur and Provost and Dean of Faculties David Quigley. 

“我亲眼目睹了核心太阳城官网对我们的学生和教师的影响, and it’s been very encouraging. 看到这一努力对核心课程产生的积极影响也是令人着迷的. 我认为担任副院长是一个很好的机会,可以继续努力,为本科大学经历的这一重要基础带来新的生活和活力. 

“这项任命也为我提供了一个深入参与的绝佳机会, and in a meaningful way, with my interests in teaching, research, 改善学生与教师的互动,并将BC的耶稣会使命融入大学的智力生活,” Gareau added. “我认为核心太阳城官网是一个机会,可以帮助学生参与课堂内外的智力和形成性对话.”

“I’m delighted that Brian Gareau, a key contributor to the Core Renewal process, will be serving as associate dean for the core for the next three years,” said Fr. Kalscheur.  “He and Tara offered one of the first Complex Problems courses, 他们创新的《太阳城网赌平台》课程就是一个很好的例子,说明通过复杂问题模型可以完成什么.  布莱恩的经验教学在太阳城官网的核心和他的坚定承诺,在耶稣会核心课程的作用, 天主教大学的使命将为他担任这个新角色做好准备.  



“很大一部分教师都在报名兼职教授这些课程, and a third time,” he said. “The general impression is that these courses are very meaningful, rewarding and intellectually enjoyable for both faculty and students.  Again, 正是朱利安和查理的辛勤工作为我们的教职员工和学生提供了支持,才有了这些成功.”

Building on the momentum from the Core Renewal pilot phase will be critical, 为教师和学生的持续参与提供支持也是如此, he added.  

核心太阳城官网也将是大学战略计划的关键要素, said Gareau, who served on the steering committee for the Strategic Plan Initiative.

“核心太阳城官网将成为讨论太阳城网赌平台与众不同之处的一部分, 以及我们如何应对未来几年的增长和创新,同时牢记为太阳城网赌平台的经历奠定基础的丰富传统.”


—Sean Smith | University Communications