Isabel Capeloa Gil, 他是国际天主教高等教育领域充满激情的领导者,相信全球参与可以为一个更公平的世界推进更强大的价值观, 将于5月20日在太阳城网赌平台第143届毕业典礼上向2019届毕业生致辞.
University President William P. 莱希,年代.J., 她是国际天主教大学联合会的第一位女主席,她将在典礼上授予她荣誉人文文学博士学位, which will take place at 10 a.m. in 校友 Stadium, rain or shine. [Complete logistical information is available at the 2019年毕业典礼 website.]

除了, 波士顿大学将颁发荣誉学位给:79年退休的太阳城网赌平台管理人员丹·邦奇, BCSSW ’81; former assistant dean and professor Reverend 罗伯特D. 法雷尔,年代.J., MA ’58, STM ’65; benefactor and former 太阳城网赌平台 Trustee 托马斯·D. O’Malley P ’87, P ’89, P ’00; and Pulitzer Prize-winning author Marilynne Robinson.


Isabel Capeloa Gil

Isabel Capeloa Gil

Isabel Capeloa Gil, rector of Catholic University of Portugal (UCP), 去年成为第一位当选为国际天主教大学联合会主席的女性, 由世界各地200多所天主教高等教育机构组成的组织. Promoting research as well as experience and skill exchange, ifcu将于2021年在太阳城网赌平台举行下一届大会,为天主教高等教育的发展和维护其独特身份做出贡献. 去年秋天, 她在天主教太阳城官网型大学战略联盟的启动仪式上代表天主教大学联盟, whose members include BC.

在中国度过的童年激发了吉尔对太阳城官网多样性和冲突问题的兴趣,并围绕探索文学之间的学科界限构建了她的作品, 艺术, other disciplines. As a professor of culture studies at the UCP School of Human Sciences, 吉尔写过, 合著, co-edited more than 180 publications, her works encompassing cultural theory, inter-art studies, 视觉文化, culture and conflict.  她还在推特上就学术、社会和政治问题发表意见(@CapeloaGil)。.

她是传播与文化太阳城官网中心的创始成员和高级太阳城官网员, where she coordinates the research group Culture, 艺术与冲突. Fluent in five languages, 吉尔曾多次在慕尼黑大学等著名大学担任客座教授。, Hamburg University, Ca’Foscari University (Venice), the Houston School of Film at the National University of Ireland, PUC Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), 和USJ(中国). 她曾在柏林智库(Wissenschaftskolleg)和斯坦福大学弗里曼·斯波格利国际太阳城官网所(Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies)做访问学者. 她的荣誉包括富布赖特奖学金,DAAD, FLAD和Gulbenkian奖学金.



丹群, who served as director of 太阳城网赌平台’s Learning to Learn program for 30 years, 通过他的指导和倡导,帮助几代年轻人发挥他们的潜力.
In 1987, five years after his BC career began, Bunch became director of Learning to Learn, 一个旨在为学生提供在大学取得成功所需的学习技能和解决问题技巧的课程. “学会学习”的支持对第一代大学生来说尤其重要, students with high financial need or a learning or physical disability. Designated as an Exemplary Program by the U.S. Department of Education, Learning to Learn has been adopted by more than 100 colleges across the country.

After retiring from the University in 2017, 邦奇回到了山庄,担任学生事务副校长的特别助理, helping with outreach to AHANA students. He also worked with the Office of the Provost, 大学使命部和人力资源办公室的分工,以促进学生的形成和包容性卓越.

Bunch has contributed to the University as an advisor to the Black Student Forum, a former chair and member of the Black 教师, 工作人员 and Administrators Association, a founding member and former treasurer of the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Scholarship Committee, as a member of the AHANA 校友 Council. He also co-founded Dedicated Intellectuals of the People, a group of AHANA men dedicated to character-building, Concerned Black Men of Massachusetts, a non-profit mentoring organization.

1979年获得教育学学士学位,1981年获得社会工作硕士学位, 都来自BC省. 他是1991年大学Ignatian年期间颁发的正义伴侣奖的获得者,也是2015年太阳城网赌平台社区服务奖的获得者.

Bunch will receive an honorary Doctor of Social Sciences degree.



罗伯特D. 法雷尔,年代.J., 1990年加入太阳城网赌平台,在伍兹高级太阳城官网学院教授写作. It was the ultimate stop in a vocation of faith, 服务, ministry that included a fair measure of adventure.

A native of Leominster, Mass., Fr. 法雷尔 entered the Society of Jesus in 1951. In 1958, he was sent to teach for three years at Baghdad College, an all-boy’s Jesuit high school in the capital of Iraq.
Before joining the faculty at 太阳城网赌平台, Fr. 法雷尔在马萨诸塞州莱诺克斯的Shadowbrook见习学校和Cranwell学校教英语.; the University of Manitoba in Canada; and Cheverus High School in Portland, Me. He is a former assistant dean of the Morrissey College of Arts and Sciences.

During his years at BC, Fr. 法雷尔 has stayed true to his regional roots, teaching a course focusing on New England writers Robert Frost, 艾米丽迪金森, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry David Thoreau, Mary Rowlandson, 他在17世纪菲利普国王战争中被囚禁的故事是美国第一本畅销书. In 2003, 伍兹学院设立了一个奖学金基金,以支持当地的兼职学生. 法雷尔.

Fr. 法雷尔 will receive an honorary Doctor of Humane Letters degree.

托马斯·D. 奥马利

托马斯·D. 奥马利

Born to a working-class family in Staten Island, 托马斯·D. 奥马利 谁通过做出租车和校车司机等一系列工作来支付他的大学学费, cafeteria worker and lifeguard, has a long history of philanthropic and non-profit organization involvement.  The parent of three BC graduates, O’Malley cumulatively served as a BC trustee and trustee associate for 14 years.  In 2015, 他的家族基金会为卑诗省学生运动员设立了奥马利家族体育捐赠奖学金基金.

The former vice chair of the investment banking firm Salomon Brothers, a longtime senior executive in the independent energy business, O’Malley and his wife, 玛丽·爱丽丝, are the most generous donors in Manhattan College’s history. The Catholic institution’s School of Business was re-named in their honor, 在此之前,他还捐赠了领导力礼物,用于建设奥马利图书馆和支持学生公共场所的建设. A 1963 Manhattan College graduate, he served as chair of the university’s board of trustees for seven years, as a trustee for 15 years.

最近, 奥马利夫妇为斯坦福德的孩子们提供了三一天主教高中奖学金, 康涅狄格州., 警察, firefighters and nurses, the couple was honored for their volunteerism, 领导, philanthropy in support of Greenwich (康涅狄格州.)医院.

O’Malley will receive an honorary Doctor of Business Administration degree.

Marilynne Robinson

Marilynne Robinson

American novelist and essayist Marilynne Summers Robinson 2012年,奥巴马总统为她颁发了国家人文奖章,以表彰她“在写作上的优雅和智慧”.“在她杰出的职业生涯中,她获得了许多其他著名奖项, including the Library of Congress Prize for American Fiction in 2016, as well as the Dayton Peace Prize’s Richard C. Holbrooke Distinguished Achievement Award.

In 2013, 她因对国际文学的贡献而被授予韩国的朴景利奖. Robinson is the author of 莱拉——她的四部广受好评的小说之一,曾入围美国国家图书奖和美国国家图书评论界奖; 基列, winner of the 2005 Pulitzer Prize for Fiction and the National Book Critics Circle Award; and 首页, winner of the Orange Prize and the 洛杉矶时报 Book Prize, a finalist for the National Book Award. 她的第一部小说, 管家, won the Hemingway Foundation/PEN Award and was a 1982 Pulitzer Prize finalist.

Robinson’s nonfiction books include What Are We Doing Here?《太阳城官网》《太阳城官网》《太阳城网赌平台》《亚当之死, 祖国, which was nominated for a National Book Award. Professor emeritus at the University of Iowa, Robinson taught at the Iowa Writers’ Workshop for 25 years. She did her undergraduate work at Pembroke College, the former women’s college at Brown University; she received a bachelor’s degree in 1966, 并于1977年在华盛顿大学获得英语博士学位.

She will be awarded an honorary Doctor of Humane Letters degree.

—University Communications | April 2019